WOW. That is amazing.

I am like the biggest Scrooge ever, but that is damn beautiful!!!!
Aw...thanks! I did it all for the chickens!!! Well, maybe a little for me...but I love beautifying their little world! My mother used to say "When I die I want to come back as one of your animals!" They are all spoiled...but it makes me happy to do it for them!
I do enjoy watching the "show" of drunken, warring, in-laws, but I also don't. F them. I don't know if Sweetie will show up for their Christmas or other occasions, it's just getting worse and worse, and 5 hours round trip. He needs to learn it's ok to detach from toxic family, but not my place to pressure him. He's got to get there in his own time.

Yes! Congrats on the 7!!!! eggs! Us Crazy Chicken Ladies get excited by our eggs -- and even the behaviors that might possibly lead to eggs! Yippeee!

It took my husband a long time to see how toxic some of his family is! The first time I met his family was at Thanksgiving. I had met his sister prior to that and she and I hit it off right away. She kept warning me about "Sheila the monster sister in law" I had no idea! His sister and I were in her kitchen doing prep when they arrived...Sheila walks into the kitchen and looks me up and down while Jan was doing the introductions...then in response to the introduction she says "It's just weird having you here...Jerry never brings anyone to family gatherings...I guess you're special?" (Apply a very sarcastic tone to that statement) I have no idea how "special" I am. I was really ticked off till I realized that to talked to everybody that way! Thus began the beginning to the end of me boycotting those family gatherings! Life is way too short!
You might be a crazy chicken lady if....
Eureka!!!! Either Dewcy or Lucy delivered a nice big light brown egg today. Still warm when I checked for it. I had put a dummy egg in a nest box two days ago to help the new girls figure it out. One down, one to go.
Congrats!!! My first couple eggs were laid in random places, behind the feed bin for a while. I stuck a nest box back there b/c it was THE place to lay eggs. We have many boxes, but they prefer a certain one & fight over it. I'll still find one in the run once in a while.. not a new layer, but someone who must have been out enjoying the nice day and didn't realize it was time.

Killer T, this is classic. I thought my family was messed up. Thank goodness you didn't go, and none of the weirdos cared, lol!

I'm starting to wonder if anyone has a normal family. My hub thinks his is normal, but I think they're weird as hell, lol!
I def don't have a normal family. I often wonder what it's like. I imagine it's wonderful, but I'll never find out. Do you ever read those stories online that are like You'll never believe what happened next! And are like Pfsht... I can totally top that. I get why people hide their mental illness, but seriously, WHYYYYYY do people hide their mental illness? It's going to come out sooner or later. And for that matter why do their families help them hide it? I didn't find out until AFTER I was married that my husband was kicked out of the navy as soon as he arrived at boot camp b/c they discovered he had 'anger issues'. Yeah, anger issues is code for untreated bipolar disorder. Easy to hide if you only spend short periods with people, but difficult to hide when you're living together. Apparently his bio mother had mental issues, which his father knew about but apparently ignored in his son... but I'm the reason our marriage didn't work out (b/c I didn't just accept his behavior). They always hated me. I didn't like them either. I let his mistress have him (they're married now). He isn't any kind of prize... I seriously realized one day What am I fighting for? He wasn't worth it and I'm much better off now. I just feel bad that I saddled my kids w/ that nutjob forever. Plus I have to keep an eye out for problems w/ them and decipher if it's mental illness or regular teenage hormone issues. Of course there's mental illness in my familly too, (who's doesn't?), but that side of the family is small and it currently only affects 2-3 of our family members.

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