Roosters are too abundant to keep mean ones.
I actually moved a young cockerel in with 2 older hens today. One is raising babies. those girls will teach his cocky little butt a lesson. Little fella is gorgeous, but he was picking on my Zippy, so if the girls straighten him out, I'd like to use him to breed. But not if he stays ornery.
How is Zippy doing? Healing up well I hope!?
How is Zippy doing? Healing up well I hope!?

Very well, thanks! Took him back outside today, put him with a group about his age. Including the splash I moved. He's still learning to walk on the leg better, but i see great improvements in just the few days. I kinda miss him sitting in the living room with me, but he should be with his gang.
Last night, he jumped up on the wood stove (not burning! Lol) all by himself.
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Very well, thanks! Took him back outside today, put him with a group about his age. Including the splash I moved. He's still learning to walk on the leg better, but i see great improvements in just the few days. I kinda miss him sitting in the living room with me, but he should be with his gang.
Last night, he jumped up on the wood stove (not burning! Lol) all by himself.
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YAY!!! Glad to hear he is recovering so well!
I take it since you're saying "my Zippy" that he's a keeper now? You big softie:)
Roosters are too abundant to keep mean ones.
I actually moved a young cockerel in with 2 older hens today. One is raising babies. those girls will teach his cocky little butt a lesson. Little fella is gorgeous, but he was picking on my Zippy, so if the girls straighten him out, I'd like to use him to breed. But not if he stays ornery.
One in 4 people has mental illness. So, pretty much ALL of us has someone in our family who has mental illness, it's only in the last few years that mental illness is finally losing it's stigma as a parental failure, so it will be less hidden, and people will begin treating it more. (previously viewed as a "nurture vs nature thing" and that's why family's hushed it up, society blamed parents)

Your kids will be fine -- fair, firm, consistent, loving. That's what they get from *you* and that will counteract the toxicity of *him*. If they do have mental illness, you're not going to lump a big bunch of guilt on your plate, because that does nothing to help, and none of this is your fault. You will watch, treat, and love, and they will grow, and thrive.

You totally got this, Mom. I'm not a hugger, but I'm sending you my version of awkward, arms kind of touching you, hugs. :)
I sure hope so. I had them in counseling early on to teach them to deal with stress and anger correctly. It works most of the time. They see how he is and know that it's not the right way to deal with things.

That's pretty much what I'm saying, why bother to keep posting that lol!? Why not just tell people if he's good he's good if he's rotten move on? You can go in and "dominate" until you're blue in the face,a crappy roo is a crappy roo and just because he doesn't get in your space dosent mean a darn thing except he's got to travel a bit further when he's finally had enough of you. Ok off my soap box as well. :lau

That is Exactly how I feel about it too!! On a happy note we integrated our three ISA Browns and three California Whites today without incident (15 weeks old). They have been living in the coop for a month with the bigs. There was only a couple of pecks and Zaffer was especially excited and did his "How you doing" dance for all of them! My husband was like...what is he doing??? LOL...I explained it to him.
Here are out integration areas. They would sleep in these and be in a run next to the big run during the seemed to work out. The 13 week old Faverolles have been moved in tonight!
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I have a slightly aggressive cockerel, he's not always a turd. Honestly, I think he thinks I'm a predator trying to hurt the girls b/c when he's the only one out he doesn't mess with me at all. He'll even come over to me non threateningly and hang out w/ me. Like yesterday I let him out w/ everyone else and he was fine most of the time. He did give me the stink eye and try to make a pass at me, but I normally keep him segregated so I'm not too interested in offing him. I rarely let him out w/ the ladies b/c they will NOT leave his tail alone. I originally separated him b/c his tail was bleeding and a few girls wouldn't leave him alone so it would heal. Then it healed but when I put him back in w/ the girls they go right for his tail. Then yesterday I noticed some blood at the base of his tail. IDK why they won't leave him alone... but either way, he is locked up and rarely gets to range and when he does it's only when it's just me outside b/c I can deal with him. I'd really prefer if I didn't have the boys, but I can't kill him. Once as a teen I poured salt on a slug b/c I didn't believe salt really killed them, then I felt so bad I tried to rinse it off, but it was too late. I STILL feel horrible about it even though it was just a slug. I can't image how I'd feel about offing a chicken.
Your roo is like the size of a can of beans though right? I've got an issue with all the hold the roo down, smack him with a pool noodle, don't let him crow blah,blah,blah freaking blah. I wouldn't have one of the sob's if i had to do all that. The biggest sacrifice made for my roo is i try not to step on him in the mornings when he's doing his good morning ladies dance. :)
I sure hope so. I had them in counseling early on to teach them to deal with stress and anger correctly. It works most of the time. They see how he is and know that it's not the right way to deal with things.

I have a slightly aggressive cockerel, he's not always a turd. Honestly, I think he thinks I'm a predator trying to hurt the girls b/c when he's the only one out he doesn't mess with me at all. He'll even come over to me non threateningly and hang out w/ me. Like yesterday I let him out w/ everyone else and he was fine most of the time. He did give me the stink eye and try to make a pass at me, but I normally keep him segregated so I'm not too interested in offing him. I rarely let him out w/ the ladies b/c they will NOT leave his tail alone. I originally separated him b/c his tail was bleeding and a few girls wouldn't leave him alone so it would heal. Then it healed but when I put him back in w/ the girls they go right for his tail. Then yesterday I noticed some blood at the base of his tail. IDK why they won't leave him alone... but either way, he is locked up and rarely gets to range and when he does it's only when it's just me outside b/c I can deal with him. I'd really prefer if I didn't have the boys, but I can't kill him. Once as a teen I poured salt on a slug b/c I didn't believe salt really killed them, then I felt so bad I tried to rinse it off, but it was too late. I STILL feel horrible about it even though it was just a slug. I can't image how I'd feel about offing a chicken.
I take it since you're saying "my Zippy" that he's a keeper now? You big softie:)

Yes, I'm a big softie, and he's a keeper now. As long as he doesn't get any leakage in his hackle feathers (I think he's old enough now that he won't), I put him with some lovely splash pullets, smooth and frizzled. They are sweet and close to his age and accepted him very well - with the exception of the little mean-ass that I moved.

Your roo is like the size of a can of beans though right? I've got an issue with all the hold the roo down, smack him with a pool noodle, don't let him crow blah,blah,blah freaking blah. I wouldn't have one of the sob's if i had to do all that. The biggest sacrifice made for my roo is i try not to step on him in the mornings when he's doing his good morning ladies dance. :)


I have one little bantam cochin dude right now that an OEGB hen hatched. He lived with the OEGB's until he started trying to mate them, so time to move out! He was very sweet and handle-able, because all my OEGB's are sweet. Now he is out with the other male "yard birds" and they don't like him very much, so he hangs out with the ducks a lot. He has recently started running to me, and will peck my feet! I think he just wants treats. I hope he isn't turning aggressive. I'm keeping a stink-eye on him. lol
Your roo is like the size of a can of beans though right? I've got an issue with all the hold the roo down, smack him with a pool noodle, don't let him crow blah,blah,blah freaking blah. I wouldn't have one of the sob's if i had to do all that. The biggest sacrifice made for my roo is i try not to step on him in the mornings when he's doing his good morning ladies dance. :)
LOL That's Willie and he's a little bit of nothing and we laugh at him when he gets fiesty. I have a leghorn that is a turd. I tried that swat at him thing and if anything I think it made him more aggressive. Now I just point at him and tell him No when he gives me the stink eye. I've also found that if I squat down by him when he's acting like he's going to attack, then he backs off. It's so weird. One of the things I love the most about Odin is that he makes this really excited sound when I give him treats, kind of like cooing or purring. It's funny to see how excited he gets, he does this cute little dance (I assume it's a dance, he could be trying to tell me he wants to kill me).

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