I think I might try the curtain with the washers. I don't like to leave their door open this time of year because of the cold but it would sure be nice to not have to get up soooo early on the weekends to let them out into their run. Hi Apryl and Cappy.....so this is where you hang out when you aren't Squatching!
You found us! lol
I haven't been letting mine out since we got the big snow earlier this week. Too much snow in the run. I did see tiny foot prints in the snow that I thought might be from a mouse, but then realized it must have been from my little bantam (duh). I got a tarp over it so when (if) the snow ever melts.. IF it ever gets above freezing again.. it should keep the snow down to the point where they can go out into it w/o getting buried up to their necks. I did notice a major difference after I put the tarp up so I'm hoping they'll be protected enough to be able to go outside. It's a whole 20 degrees here now.
How much snow did you get? The news said this am that we got 8" around here.
That would be great if she inherited egg color gene from her dad -- he was an Easter Egger (soup roo) and very pretty. This is Eve now. She's almost 2 months old.
View attachment 1209880

As a matter of fact, I have the little fence still attached to poles that I used when my chickens had their first outings -- I should be able to make that work. Thanks for suggesting that.

Here are the newest babes having some play time and breakfast in the kitchen. I think it was a mistake to try banding them with those plastic bands. Those that stayed on all of the writing came off. I've taken them all off now.
View attachment 1209885
View attachment 1209886
Notice all of the big pink combs already?! eek!
That would be nice. And you'd def know what eggs were hers. I love the velociraptor stage! How cute that they're in the house. Do you give them free reign or are they confined to the tiled floor?
Oh wow.. yeah, I'm seeing 4 possible boys there (not that I'm an expert)... my leghorn had a big comb early on too. What are you going to do w/ the boys? Freezer?
You found us! lol
I haven't been letting mine out since we got the big snow earlier this week. Too much snow in the run. I did see tiny foot prints in the snow that I thought might be from a mouse, but then realized it must have been from my little bantam (duh). I got a tarp over it so when (if) the snow ever melts.. IF it ever gets above freezing again.. it should keep the snow down to the point where they can go out into it w/o getting buried up to their necks. I did notice a major difference after I put the tarp up so I'm hoping they'll be protected enough to be able to go outside. It's a whole 20 degrees here now.
How much snow did you get? The news said this am that we got 8" around here.
We got about 5 inches. Its supposed to get warm though and all the pretty snow will melt into slush. Yuck
That would be great if she inherited egg color gene from her dad -- he was an Easter Egger (soup roo) and very pretty. This is Eve now. She's almost 2 months old.
View attachment 1209880

As a matter of fact, I have the little fence still attached to poles that I used when my chickens had their first outings -- I should be able to make that work. Thanks for suggesting that.

Here are the newest babes having some play time and breakfast in the kitchen. I think it was a mistake to try banding them with those plastic bands. Those that stayed on all of the writing came off. I've taken them all off now.
View attachment 1209885
View attachment 1209886
Notice all of the big pink combs already?! eek!
OMG!!!! Cuteness overload!! :love
Yay! I think some little Eves would fit in great with these weirdos and you know they'll be spoiled rotten. If she does lay brown put a little drop of food coloring on her butt "you can blame it on me" and that will help give away which is hers.:) If you ever go totally nuts and want some faverolles I'll hook you up.
Well, I could just send you Eve.... just kidding. But, I would happily send you eggs next year. I hope she will have blue or green eggs, but don't know if they get the egg-color gene from the dad (EE) or mom (BR). If she lays brown eggs I might not know which are hers. I'll have to try getting pics -- she's getting a lot of rusty-red edged feathers on her breast area.

I love the canvas flap idea. I have a heavy wood drop-down door and tried hanging sheet plastic from it, but the ducks and chickens just tore it apart. Now, if it's really windy or rainy I lower the door some. They have to duck going in and out, but they all seem to manage that okay.

I knew about the Llama pajamas, but thought maybe you also had a real llama. They are cute, but I don't think I'd like getting spit at hahahaha.

I had the local tree guy come out today to take some really heavy limbs off a tree before they fall and crack me on the head. He also removed a big branch from an ancient pear tree. He's got this chipper that is an absolute monster. I helped feed the branches in - that was kinda cool. Haven't tried my own small one I got yet. Anyway, I asked him to Pile the chips not far from the chicken house. Nice big pile. I'd like to toss some in their yard, but might be a good idea to let them dry out for a while???

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