The baby squirrel passed away a few days ago. When I woke her that morning to feed her she seemed very sleepy and had just a so-so meal. Same thing again later. By evening she was having seizures, sometimes constant. They were much like epileptic seizures one of my dogs had. I had a difficult time keeping her hydrated, as every bit of stimulation seemed to bring on more seizures.

I was beside myself because she seemed to be doing so well the night before. Thinking back, she had had several small seizure-like episodes since finding her. We kind of chalked those up to the involuntary baby movements. And the jerking dreams...

It could be that she had some nervous system thing all along and maybe even the reason she was abandoned. I just don't know. This tore me up.

Sunshine has been laid to rest between apple and peach trees, wrapped with a snuggly fleece and on a bed of straw and leaves.
The baby squirrel passed away a few days ago. When I woke her that morning to feed her she seemed very sleepy and had just a so-so meal. Same thing again later. By evening she was having seizures, sometimes constant. They were much like epileptic seizures one of my dogs had. I had a difficult time keeping her hydrated, as every bit of stimulation seemed to bring on more seizures.

I was beside myself because she seemed to be doing so well the night before. Thinking back, she had had several small seizure-like episodes since finding her. We kind of chalked those up to the involuntary baby movements. And the jerking dreams...

It could be that she had some nervous system thing all along and maybe even the reason she was abandoned. I just don't know. This tore me up.

Sunshine has been laid to rest between apple and peach trees, wrapped with a snuggly fleece and on a bed of straw and leaves.
Oh no! So sorry she died! Hugs.
Oh no! So sorry she died! Hugs.

Me too. I'm not sure there was anything I could have different. I am already planning on getting a small cage/petquarium and a full-spectrum light for the next time I find a baby animal. I used to have a lot of that stuff, but got rid of nearly everything when I moved here for lack of space.

How are you doing with all your bunnies and goats? Anything new?
Me too. I'm not sure there was anything I could have different. I am already planning on getting a small cage/petquarium and a full-spectrum light for the next time I find a baby animal. I used to have a lot of that stuff, but got rid of nearly everything when I moved here for lack of space.

How are you doing with all your bunnies and goats? Anything new?
Well i don't have goats yet, we don't have the fencing up yet. The bunnies are great, i have 3 litters!
I ordered some juvenile quail, but they all but one died when the PO didn't deliver on time. It was awful opening up a box of dead birds. I did manage to hatch some from eggs. And i hatched some guineas, more in the bator!
Well i don't have goats yet, we don't have the fencing up yet. The bunnies are great, i have 3 litters!
I ordered some juvenile quail, but they all but one died when the PO didn't deliver on time. It was awful opening up a box of dead birds. I did manage to hatch some from eggs. And i hatched some guineas, more in the bator!

Oh god -- that must have been awful. It was the post office's fault? Grr....... how sad. I'm glad you have some hatchlings though. I don't know much about guineas, but heard they are great for keeping ticks down.

I know you were building goat houses, so I just assumed. My bad.
The baby squirrel passed away a few days ago. When I woke her that morning to feed her she seemed very sleepy and had just a so-so meal. Same thing again later. By evening she was having seizures, sometimes constant. They were much like epileptic seizures one of my dogs had. I had a difficult time keeping her hydrated, as every bit of stimulation seemed to bring on more seizures.

I was beside myself because she seemed to be doing so well the night before. Thinking back, she had had several small seizure-like episodes since finding her. We kind of chalked those up to the involuntary baby movements. And the jerking dreams...

It could be that she had some nervous system thing all along and maybe even the reason she was abandoned. I just don't know. This tore me up.

Sunshine has been laid to rest between apple and peach trees, wrapped with a snuggly fleece and on a bed of straw and leaves.

Dang, that's awful. :hugs
I'm sure you couldn't have done any more than you did. You strike me as a give-it-your-all type person.

eta - at least it didn't die a horrible death alone in the woods. :(
Oh god -- that must have been awful. It was the post office's fault? Grr....... how sad. I'm glad you have some hatchlings though. I don't know much about guineas, but heard they are great for keeping ticks down.

I know you were building goat houses, so I just assumed. My bad.
I like to get ready for an animal before i buy it. But sometimes stuff happens. I will get goats again, love them so much!
Oh god -- that must have been awful. It was the post office's fault? Grr....... how sad. I'm glad you have some hatchlings though. I don't know much about guineas, but heard they are great for keeping ticks down.

I know you were building goat houses, so I just assumed. My bad.
Yes, stupid Usps! Shipped on Tuesday, delivered dead on Saturday. They never scanned them except on delivery and when they were mailed. Traveled less than 500 miles as the road winds. I guess they never heard of planes!
I have lots of guinea misadventures, pretty funny actually. Yes, they love bugs!
I forgot to tell ya -- I am now nursing a baby squirrel. I found her late Monday night lying in a pool of muddy water. I think my dog probably scared the mama and she got dropped. I kept hearing it cry so finally investigated. She's doing really well and I'll release her once she's ready and the weather is okay. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow.

View attachment 1319627
photo taken late Monday night
View attachment 1319628
photo taken this afternoon
So sorry about the squirrel. I had the same thing happen last spring w/ a baby bunny. My kids were devastated. When I was a kid I bottle fed a litter of hamsters. They're so tiny, it was hard to keep them warm, but not too warm. I knew it was futile, but I had to try. It's so hard when they're so little. At least the little thing lived in luxury during her time.

Aww! How are you likeing those little claws lol! I raised two we found in the wall a boy and a girl. The boy was protective and would growl at hubs trying to touch his people tree, he'd also nurse on my earlobe that was a little scary.:)
I had a cat who nursed on my earlobe. Then when she got bigger she would knead this fluffy stuffed dog I got her. She's my elderly beast.

Yes, stupid Usps! Shipped on Tuesday, delivered dead on Saturday. They never scanned them except on delivery and when they were mailed. Traveled less than 500 miles as the road winds. I guess they never heard of planes!
I have lots of guinea misadventures, pretty funny actually. Yes, they love bugs!
That's such bull. My stupid post office did the same thing to me last year. 11 chicks and 9 arrived dead or dying. I tried to resurrect the dying ones, but over the next few days they died, leaving just the 2 that were 'alive' when we got them. The box came in at 4 am, I had called and told them to call me ASAP to come get them... I got a freakin' call at 7 am. I'm not saying those 3 hours would have saved them all, but I it probably would have helped at least a couple of them. It's not like they don't KNOW there's animals in the box. You'd think notifying someone who is more than likely expecting the package would be a priority, not something you wait 3+ hours to do.
The baby squirrel passed away a few days ago. When I woke her that morning to feed her she seemed very sleepy and had just a so-so meal. Same thing again later. By evening she was having seizures, sometimes constant. They were much like epileptic seizures one of my dogs had. I had a difficult time keeping her hydrated, as every bit of stimulation seemed to bring on more seizures.

I was beside myself because she seemed to be doing so well the night before. Thinking back, she had had several small seizure-like episodes since finding her. We kind of chalked those up to the involuntary baby movements. And the jerking dreams...

It could be that she had some nervous system thing all along and maybe even the reason she was abandoned. I just don't know. This tore me up.

Sunshine has been laid to rest between apple and peach trees, wrapped with a snuggly fleece and on a bed of straw and leaves.

What a beautiful gift you gave to a tiny critter. To be loved and cared for in our life, to be free from anxiety, and to have someone mourn our passing -- you did this for this tiny baby. You made it's life as free from pain and worry as you could.

I know it was heartbreaking for you, but it's so loving what you did, and you are wonderful.

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