I'm new and one of my eggs is hatching and needed a Lil help but...

Jul 6, 2017
OK so it all started after a dog got into our yard and attacked and killed my roo and another that had come with it had got into our deck pen and attacked my broody duck
NNow my duck didn't have her own eggs she had set chicken eggs for me but after her trama (they all lived BTW .. not the rooster I cried so much) she had stopped caring for them
NNow we are pretty poor ppl and even if I had the money there was no time
I needed an incubator so me and my boyfriend made one and its working great
Out of the 30 eggs I have in it only one died and it was on day 3 everyone else is developing great
BBut now hatch day is due and I did candle the eggs a bit late as I didn't know when Daisy duck had set them
AAnd I see some have begun trying to internally pip at about 11pm is when I found that
But 1 had pipped internally
So I went to bed hoping for a chicken or some progress in the morning and then at 7 am nothing so I candle to be sure it was breathing still as when I first looked I saw breathing even heard what at first sounded like wet chirping so I think she had only internally pipped not long ago
But now at 7am the chirping was clear and the breathing was fast I saw it opening n closing it's beak
Now this is where I need help because I wasn't sure when to help and I was worried so I poked a tiny air hole where it looked as though the chicken was working and I gently started to zip a tiny bit for it not very much but I noticed that it's membrane had actually begun to dry and there are still some vessels in there so I stopped and wrapped her in warm wet cloth and put her back
Idk what I should do now and I feel like I might have messed up but I also think it's possible it wouldn't have been able to get out alone since my did incubator has a humidity issue the other eggs did great and still are but it seems the issue is with low humidity at hatch

Also on abother note I fell dumb about it now but I actually was collecting the eggs and setting them right away so now I have a few eggs from each day starting with the 10 my duck had and then 2 each day from June 20th I now see why that's not good so I put a wall in the middle to keep the ones who will hatch from coming into contact with the rest and I hope that works
BBut about my hatching baby
It chirps and moved and rests I just don't know what to do right now and I feel so bad thinking maybe I did more harm than good
OK so it all started after a dog got into our yard and attacked and killed my roo and another that had come with it had got into our deck pen and attacked my broody duck
NNow my duck didn't have her own eggs she had set chicken eggs for me but after her trama (they all lived BTW .. not the rooster I cried so much) she had stopped caring for them
NNow we are pretty poor ppl and even if I had the money there was no time
I needed an incubator so me and my boyfriend made one and its working great
Out of the 30 eggs I have in it only one died and it was on day 3 everyone else is developing great
BBut now hatch day is due and I did candle the eggs a bit late as I didn't know when Daisy duck had set them
AAnd I see some have begun trying to internally pip at about 11pm is when I found that
But 1 had pipped internally
So I went to bed hoping for a chicken or some progress in the morning and then at 7 am nothing so I candle to be sure it was breathing still as when I first looked I saw breathing even heard what at first sounded like wet chirping so I think she had only internally pipped not long ago
But now at 7am the chirping was clear and the breathing was fast I saw it opening n closing it's beak
Now this is where I need help because I wasn't sure when to help and I was worried so I poked a tiny air hole where it looked as though the chicken was working and I gently started to zip a tiny bit for it not very much but I noticed that it's membrane had actually begun to dry and there are still some vessels in there so I stopped and wrapped her in warm wet cloth and put her back
Idk what I should do now and I feel like I might have messed up but I also think it's possible it wouldn't have been able to get out alone since my did incubator has a humidity issue the other eggs did great and still are but it seems the issue is with low humidity at hatch

Also on abother note I fell dumb about it now but I actually was collecting the eggs and setting them right away so now I have a few eggs from each day starting with the 10 my duck had and then 2 each day from June 20th I now see why that's not good so I put a wall in the middle to keep the ones who will hatch from coming into contact with the rest and I hope that works
BBut about my hatching baby
It chirps and moved and rests I just don't know what to do right now and I feel so bad thinking maybe I did more harm than good
Sorry for errors and stuff and to be clear I heard wet chirping or what ninth ink was the first chirps at like 11pm and in the morning it was louder and clear and soon after is when I started helping a Lil but now I have a baby in the incubator with a small hole in its she'll wrapped In a we cloth (not soaking just really damp) that seems to have stopped it's drying but what should I do now just wait??
Still alive n chirping here n there but the cloth I put to keep it from drying is working but also having a cooling effect and so I ha moved it back to cover only the opening and I'm going this helps ... I'm so nervous I might have gotten involved to soon :(
This is me now hosing it I have holes just big enough for my arms so it's still sealed inside she just chirped and is moving but I still see tiny vessels so I need some help here


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This is the baby I tried to show the vessels I see and the opening and how it's covered


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First, if you have Vaseline or non pain relief neosporin, put a LIGHT coat of that over the exposed membrane and you can leave the paper towel off. And give it time.

A big part of success of hatching after internal pipping is going to depend on the incubation humidity. If the air cells grew enough then after the internal pip it can take 24 HOURS to progress to the external pip. I'm not a big one for going into an unpipped egg to assist. The vascular system between chick and egg does not shut down for many hours AFTER the external pip. To go into the egg before this happens runs a high risk of causing bleed out.

I will on occasion put a tiny safety hole in the air cell of an egg where I know for certain the chick has made an internal pip at least 24 hours prior. And then I leave it alone and let it progress from there.

A chick that has externally pipped should be given 24 hours to make progress. (Unless there are obvious signs of distress such as bubbles or liquid from mouth/nose.) And then an assist should only be completely carried out if there are no signs of heavy veining or bleeding. At any point these are seen, the membrane should be moistened and replaced to the incubator to be given more time.

It can take up to 48 hours after the initial internal pip for a healthy chick to make it's appearance. Sometimes it's sooner, but patience is a must.

While assisting can be very beneficial if done at the right time and under the right circumstances, there are times you are going to loose a chick. It goes with incubating and hatchers have to be able to handle that. So, be willing to help by all means, just not too early.

I'd like to note as well that the inner membrane envelopes the chick. Many people see the membrane "hugging" the chick and freak out believing what they see is shrink wrap, (I blame the generations of previous hatchers for this,) when in fact the inner membrane should be around the chick. If the chick is moving, it's not shrink wrapped. Shrink wrapping is like leather drying. As the membrane dries out it shrinks and as it does this it will tighten around the chick and pull the chick down into a tight ball. Often the membrane will appear white like the outer membrane. (The outer membrane should be papery white while the inner membrane should be more clear-transparent.)
First, if you have Vaseline or non pain relief neosporin, put a LIGHT coat of that over the exposed membrane and you can leave the paper towel off. And give it time.

A big part of success of hatching after internal pipping is going to depend on the incubation humidity. If the air cells grew enough then after the internal pip it can take 24 HOURS to progress to the external pip. I'm not a big one for going into an unpipped egg to assist. The vascular system between chick and egg does not shut down for many hours AFTER the external pip. To go into the egg before this happens runs a high risk of causing bleed out.

I will on occasion put a tiny safety hole in the air cell of an egg where I know for certain the chick has made an internal pip at least 24 hours prior. And then I leave it alone and let it progress from there.

A chick that has externally pipped should be given 24 hours to make progress. (Unless there are obvious signs of distress such as bubbles or liquid from mouth/nose.) And then an assist should only be completely carried out if there are no signs of heavy veining or bleeding. At any point these are seen, the membrane should be moistened and replaced to the incubator to be given more time.

It can take up to 48 hours after the initial internal pip for a healthy chick to make it's appearance. Sometimes it's sooner, but patience is a must.

While assisting can be very beneficial if done at the right time and under the right circumstances, there are times you are going to loose a chick. It goes with incubating and hatchers have to be able to handle that. So, be willing to help by all means, just not too early.

I'd like to note as well that the inner membrane envelopes the chick. Many people see the membrane "hugging" the chick and freak out believing what they see is shrink wrap, (I blame the generations of previous hatchers for this,) when in fact the inner membrane should be around the chick. If the chick is moving, it's not shrink wrapped. Shrink wrapping is like leather drying. As the membrane dries out it shrinks and as it does this it will tighten around the chick and pull the chick down into a tight ball. Often the membrane will appear white like the outer membrane. (The outer membrane should be papery white while the inner membrane should be more clear-transparent.)

Thank you so much I was worried nobody would answer in time
I'll go ahead and give vasiline a go and I'll monitor it ..
I feel bad because I know know I let fear get the best of me and because of that I might have ruined it's chances...
I'll keep updating
After reading ur response it's clear to me he or she was not ready I will not mess with any others either
Also I had removed more shell before putting the cloth cause I was worried the cloth wouldn't keep it moist if it didn't touch it but now I have done what u said with the Vaseline
Should I just watch n wait
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now or is there anything I should do

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