I'm scared!!!

They should be fine. Momma knows what she's doing.

I'm keeping Mrs. Fluffy Puffy and her 6 adopted babies in a hutch w/ a heat lamp at night and during the day ( if it's pretty warm ) I'll put them in a run outside in the sun. She has just know been letting them get under her, so I'm going to wait a bit before I let her roam the yard w/ th Guineas and chickens.
They're growing up before your eyes Gritty!

I'm glad they are all doing well! You need to invest in a door opener, then you won't have to worry. It's worth every penny!
I have one on the other coop. I can't let the chickens in the younger coop (where mama & the chicks are) out until after noon. They still insist on getting into the yard and I don't want any dog vs. chickens accidents. The schedule we have worked out is that the dogs get the yard in the mornings, then they are in the house with me while the younger chickens are out in the afternoon. Hopefully we'll be able to afford a chain link fence soon (vs. our livestock panel one) and the younger flock can be all day, like the older ones are.

The chicks are growing up too fast. I'm already praying and bribing Sourland for another broody. I would rather it be one of my SFs or SS that go broody, instead of the silkies that can't seem to get it right.
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I have one on the other coop. I can't let the chickens in the younger coop (where mama & the chicks are) out until after noon. They still insist on getting into the yard and I don't want any dog vs. chickens accidents. The schedule we have worked out is that the dogs get the yard in the mornings, then they are in the house with me while the younger chickens are out in the afternoon. Hopefully we'll be able to afford a chain link fence soon (vs. our livestock panel one) and the younger flock can be all day, like the older ones are.

The chicks are growing up too fast. I'm already praying and bribing Sourland for another broody. I would rather it be one of my SFs or SS that go broody, instead of the silkies that can't seem to get it right.

You want broodies again?

Ah, now I see why you are worried. Well, I hope you can get the fencing soon so they can be out all day! Given the current situation, I'd probably encourage her and the babies to stay in the crate too.
Gritsar- Sorry I can't offer any advice. I'm learning right along with ya~! I think I vote for the "letting mother nature do her thing". I mean, she must know the crate is there if she needs it right? And she chose now to bring them out and roost with the others. And harm ye none girl! Sometimes we don't know what to do, even with our best intentions. How nailbiting. Hang in there!
Well mama took them into their original crate again tonight and again I left the crate door open.

I'm just flat out awestruck by how great a mama Doe is. Mother Nature sure knew what she was doing when she created broody hens.

Ironmaiden, thanks for your kind words.
It really is awe inspiring isn't it. And really once you raise chicks like this, I don't see how you go back to the incubator and the brooder house. I know my chicks were healthier and stronger, cause they were out in the wild, climbing over stuff, exploring, catching bugs, way way before the hot house chicks were.

So fun to listen to the interactions between the chicks and the broody hen. I too, and praying to the Chicken God's. please let Butter go broody soon!

The nice thing about raising chicks this way is that they are integrated into the flock very easily. The other birds just accept them like they've always been there.
Dang after reading this I think I will go out and remove the partition I put up for my momma and babies...I was worried the "teenagers" would pick on the chicks but after reading this I am doubting it. My broody was always top chicken in the house and I get the feeling she will continue to hold that position lol.
This was her first attempt and she was determined, I gave her 5 eggs. all 5 hatched!!
Yep! Each morning since I started leaving their crate open at night I open the coop doors with a bit of trepidation; afraid of what I might find. This morning I looked around and couldn't find the chicks and my heart stopped. Then I saw them all roosting on the low roost. The rest of the flock is fine with them being in there. When they are outside I've even seen my rooster put himself between the chicks and some of my larger birds from the other flock.

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