I'm So Excited!


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
My only Speckled Sussex named Sadie Thompson was hatched in January. She's always been a runaround sort of gal, very curious and constantly running back and forth to check out anything new. I thought that she would never lay an egg and so far I am right. I did notice, however, that recently she let me pick her up more than once and hold her. She didn't seem to mind at all! Today, for the first time ever she is in a nesting box! I am with the chickens many hours per day and this is the first time I've seen her sit down at all! She didn't stay in this nest box, but moved to another one. She is now out free ranging with the flock so I checked both boxes. No egg, but I'm very excited that she is practicing!! It's about time! I'll be watching her all the more closely now.

Sadie in top nest box small.jpg Sadie in nesting box small.jpg
I'm no longer excited. My Sadie Thompson has given up on sitting in the nest. She did it for two days only and I haven't seen her in the coop since. No eggs were forthcoming. I'm hoping she will lay in the spring. I still love her. She runs after me and lets me pick her up at times now.

Sadie Thompson.jpg
I'm no longer excited. My Sadie Thompson has given up on sitting in the nest. She did it for two days only and I haven't seen her in the coop since. No eggs were forthcoming. I'm hoping she will lay in the spring. I still love her. She runs after me and lets me pick her up at times now.

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I love my Hedy as well. Also an SS. She did the same thing and is no where near laying an egg. Still love her though.
I know it takes longer for larger hens to start laying, I remember waiting it seemed like for ever for my LO's to lay. Good luck to you!
Sadie is a year old, so she should have been laying eons ago! It's ok, I have many other hens that lay very well. I love them all and their varied personalities! :D

My pullets will be 28 weeks tomorrow. No eggs. Waiting for daylight hours to increase after December 21. Yep Sadie should have laid by now. A year is a long time.

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