I'm so old I Remember when:

Santa put those in my Christmas stocking one year. Perfect size and shape for it.
I got in trouble that year because I just knew I was getting a camera for Christmas and constantly said so. My parents thought I had found the hidden presents. I had not snooped. I just wanted a camera really bad.
I got in trouble that year because I just knew I was getting a camera for Christmas and constantly said so. My parents thought I had found the hidden presents. I had not snooped. I just wanted a camera really bad.
In this modern day and age I accidentally learned about some hidden presents.

It was a Sunday morning before church. Dad would have us all go in the kitchen with him and pray our morning prayers before going to church. Well, he hadn't started yet and was checking his email. I got bored and started reading the list of emails (it was just the titles). Most were boring, but I did see one labeled something like "(brand name) Farm Blocks for Kids has shipped" from the sender "Amazon". Well, fast forward to us opening presents. Sure enough, there were farm blocks. And that's the one time I predicted a gift and got it right.

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