I'm so old I Remember when:

When I worked at the photo lab, I printed THOUSANDS of baby announcements and cards. I've seen some weird/strange names. And lots of interesting ones on shipping labels too.
When I worked in the sporting goods department at Woolco, I sold a rifle to Human R. Person.
I sold a rifle to Human R. Person.
seems legit sam winchester GIF
"In March 1994, a teenager named Peter Eastman Jr. from Carpinteria, California legally changed his name to "Trout Fishing in America". At around the same time, National Public Radio reported on a young couple who had named their baby "Trout Fishing in America"."
Trout Fishing In America
When I worked at the photo lab, I printed THOUSANDS of baby announcements and cards. I've seen some weird/strange names. And lots of interesting ones on shipping labels too.
I sometimes think of what the developer thought when they developed a few rolls I dared drop off lol. We were voyeuristic before voyeurism was cool
When I worked at the One Hour place, we looked at each negative. Not always possible to skip anything that was not allowed. We had a cover to put over the chute where the pictures came down in full view of anyone walking by in the mall.

At the professional photo lab, the owner told me to use my own discretion, and there was only one time I said something. The manager told me it wasn't my place to pass judgment on the images. I showed him some, with the one I thought out of line in the middle.

This is what he said as he flipped through them.
She's a pretty girl, so what.
So what.
So what.
Uh. No. He's done. We won't do his work anymore.

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