I'm so old I Remember when:

We would LOVE to pay a local kid to weedwack our yard. We don't have a lawn (we're in the desert), just dirt. Crazy weeds spring up after a rain and grow to about 3-4' tall. Then they immediately die, leaving us with yards that are full of dead, stickery, tall brown weeds that need to go!

I guess kids don't do that kind of thing anymore. When did kids stop needing pocket money? Do parents just pay for everything now?
I saw it in the theater when it first came out.
I hate to sound cliché but the books were much better.
I read each Ian Fleming novel (except Chitty Chitty Bang Bang). Here was the world's coolest guy at a time when there was little excitement or glory in men's life's in post-WWII Britain. You could live his hopes and fears and know his favorite drink "dry vodka Martini--shaken, not stirred," and his favorite eggs, Marans.

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