I'm writing a book about my chickens! Please read.

I think it's wonderful that you're writing! Keep it up!!!
Thank you! My power has been out for a loooooong time yesterday and partially today, so I havent been on to write more, but I'm working on some now. I dont mind if you write one, gamma! Lets get our chickeny creativity flowing!
Jasper’s favorite activity was free ranging. He would always parade the hens to the garden. There were still only the six Amber Links, so they weren’t hard to herd back. Occasionally, they would dust bathe in the dirt. When they went to the garden, they would steal my sister’s tomatoes. When they returned to the coop, they would be covered in tomato juice and seeds. Now, let’s add the dirt under their wings from dust bathing. Now picture that on a white chicken. Now you know what I was dealing with.
Then, they discovered the small cage on the opposite end of the yard. This was where I used to let my rabbits, of who are all now deceased, play and eat grass. The chickens would go in and out of it, pecking dead leaves and occasionally sneaking over to my uncle’s yard. Once they were over there, they were very hard to catch.
It was hilarious when they all decided that enough was enough. One of them would take off toward the coop and then all of the others would take off running, wings flapping frantically and legs running across the grass.

Here's just a little bit more... ^^^^

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