immobile hen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Central VA
My Barred Rock has been sitting in the nest at least since 11:00 am - it is now 6:00 pm. There are two eggs from other hens under her. She is being very quiet and still; when I touch her back she puffs up her feathers and once stood about half-way then sat back down. She is 10 months old, healthy, has been laying consistently and is a happy, docile hen. What's going on here? I only have a totla of 4 and they all get along well. HELP please form all you experts! I am worried about her w/out monitoring over night. It has been over 90 degrees here today and she has had no water or food.
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I don't think she's sick, I think she's "broody." If you want to let her hatch eggs, be sure to move food and water close to her while you decide if you want to let her hatch her own, or hatch other eggs.

Other BYC members will have much more pertinent information for you. But I bet she acts somewhat like my newly-broody BO:
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Everyone's advice is great and I thank you, but I don't have any fertile eggs or chicks, and don't plan to...can non-mama hens still go broody? We do have neighbors w/roosters - are they sending a signal? I know I sound clueless, because I am. We were coasting along so well........
Hens go broody whether there's a rooster around or not. There are postings here about breaking a broody, or you can find some fertile eggs and let her hatch some. Depends on whether or not you want some chicks.
Great answers, and getting fertile eggs around here is no problem....but won't the other hens beat the chickes up when they hatch? Would I be moving into a whole other level of backyard chickens?
I love my girls, but production wasn't in my plan....and although i could totally enjoy the process, I'll check the advise of others regarding breaking a broody....

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