Impacted crop surgery outcome - good or bad?

I just thought that you might want to ask them about the mushy white skin you are seeing. If for instance, one of the 2 layers could have come unglued. Just trying to help, and keep your thread being seen.

yes, that's what i was worried about.... thanks i will talk to Ruth......
it seems like the inside layer or flesh has unglued :( does that mean the crops contents can leak into here body cavity? this isn't good.... we have a full stitching kit..... would it be best to desolve the superglue, stitch the inner flesh then the skin? or is it to dangerous to reopen her? also if we stitch the inside then the outside what happens to the internal stitches? can you leave them there? hows it work? any help Very appreciated.
I have done crop surgery. My method was very similar. I found a wood chip at the bottom of his crop. I didn't use any antibiotics. 2 of the glued stitches came lose and his crop leaked. I made him a plastic bib to keep him from picking himself. He was up wanting to eat and drink immediately. He was back in the chicken house in10 days.
I have done crop surgery. My method was very similar. I found a wood chip at the bottom of his crop. I didn't use any antibiotics. 2 of the glued stitches came lose and his crop leaked. I made him a plastic bib to keep him from picking himself. He was up wanting to eat and drink immediately. He was back in the chicken house in10 days.

so the crop leaked like i see mine is now, and it still healed and he survived? i hope my surgery gos like yours, but i have decided to reopen her, i think the inner flesh glued part has come totally undone, in this case i think a infection could very likely happen....

oh, and what do you mean by 2 of the glue stitches? you mean it came undone in 2 spots?

does the crop's inner flesh and the outer skin need to move interdependently? so that you cannot stitch them both in one stitching?
i think the surgery went well, the only thing i am wondering about is the white crop....

I've done two, both successful. I didn't use superglue though, so I can't comment on the white skin. I'm wondering it the glue has discolored the skin. I'm not familiar with what you sanitized the bird with either. I just used alcohol or something like that. I'd just keep an eye on it. Hopefully, it's not dead skin.

The most important thing when doing this, besides sanitary conditions, is where you make the cut into the crop. It must be at the top of the crop. Not in the middle, not at the bottom. That way, liquids won't leak out. I'm not sure if you used superglue on just the skin or the crop also. You do not have to stitch the crop muscle if you cut near the top. It will heal and close on it's own. Just the outer skin needs stitching or glueing. If you do stitch, make sure you get them out in about five days. I used sterilized fishing line. One other thing you need to do after closing her up, is gently move the skin in a circular motion a few times a day for a few days. I read that this will prevent the skin from adhering to the crop wound.
Another important thing to do is withhold food and water for the first 24 hours. Food for sure, water, just give a little bit to her a few times a day. You do not want her filling her crop up with water, so just provide a little bit at a time for the first 24 hours. She won't dehydrate, so best not to give too much. When you do start feeding her, make sure it is very soft food, like baby food for the first few days. Also, not too much at a time. You will have to feed the bird often, but in small amounts for the first few days. You want to give the muscle a chance to start healing.
Keep an eye on those strips you put on. I had a bird eat one I put on. It was eating anything it could get ahold of,, so don't put it on shavings, straw, paper or anything like that. I had it in a dog crate on a plastic tray because it also shredded the newspaper and was eating that!
If you have any antibiotics you can give it, do it to help prevent infection. Pen G would work. You are going to see some ugly colors come up on the bird in the next few days (bruising), so don't be alarmed. Just watch for infection and keep her in a sanitary enviroment. She should be ready to go back with flock in about a week. Make sure she is eating regular before you put her back and she doesn't have access to whatever she stuffed her crop with. I had one go back and bind it's crop again. It's usually the ones at the bottom of the pecking order that end up crop bound because they are eating the trash in the pen instead of visiting the feeders. More feeders usually take care of that.
it seems like the inside layer or flesh has unglued :(  does that mean the crops contents can leak into here body cavity? this isn't good.... we have a full stitching kit..... would it be best to desolve the superglue, stitch the inner flesh then the skin? or is it to dangerous to reopen her? also if we stitch the inside then the outside what happens to the internal stitches? can you leave them there? hows it work? any help Very appreciated.

No internal stitches, no internal super glue! If you made the cut near the top, you shouldn't experience leaking. Don't feed during first 24 hours and very little or no water. Don't stitch the skin to the crop! If you have to do internal stitches on the crop, I would guess it would have to be the stitches that absorb like vets and doctors use. Shouldn't have to use them unless you opened the bird up too low.
After 24 hours, very small liquid feedings, like baby food, rice cereal, or runny mash (although I would skip that for a few days), but you will have to feed every few hours. The bird is going to be very hungry because it is used to having a huge full crop! Have to let that crop shrink back to normal size. Small feedings, but often.

Btw, this is just my knowledge from my experience. I'm not a doc or anything like that, so take it for what it's worth.
i think the surgery went well, the only thing i am wondering about is the white crop....

Oh, you are seeing white under her skin? White from the crop muscle? Well, I do remember (its been a few years) when I was pulling stuff out of the crop with the tweezers, some of the lumps were so big, pulling them through the small incision did tend to turn the inner crop, out. It did look kind of white. The crop is like a thick rubber muscle. Anyway, I do remember seeing white fleshy stuff where I cut into the crop. So, it may be normal what you see. I'm just surprised you can see it through the skin. Maybe I just didn't notice mine so much.

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