Impacted crop

Thank you!! I appreciate your response more than you know. I put some Miralax in her soupy broth. The only Dulcolax I have is the stimulant kind. I’ll try the peanut butter or the coconut oil. Thanks!
Update: We did the surgery. It went well and now I know we did the right thing. She had literally a baseball-sized ball of packed grass in there and it was all nasty smelling. We easily got it out, irrigated, and closed up with superglue. I put a surgical mask on her as a bra. I can’t say she didn’t feel pain. She freaked out a few times, either from being held down on her side or being cut into. Poor baby! But she’s walking around in her kennel and being sweet and chatty. I can tell she wants good but I’ve only given her water so far. I think I’m supposed to give her plain yogurt, applesauce, and Chick starter mash for awhile, but not until after 24hours, CORRECT??? Thanks everyone.
I'm pleased you did the surgery and it was successful. I gave mine food straight away. Literally 10 mins after gluing her back together she was wolfing down scrambled egg. I kept the incision high up in the crop though so that it was above where food and water would be sitting in the crop (above the waterline so to speak) which made the surgery a bit more fiddly but worth it in my opinion and I irrigated well with saline before I closed up. In view of that I didn't worry too much about giving her water first especially as she had only had fluids going through her system for the previous 2 week. I kept foods soft, like a mash of chick crumb soaked in water and scrambled egg and cottage cheese. No solids, grains or grit or fruits/veggies for 2 weeks.
I felt exactly the same having done the surgery. There was just no way that ball of stuff was ever going to go down or come up and she would have starved before it decomposed enough to pass. Yes it is traumatic for them to be operated on without anaesthetic and painful but it is not like a fox attack where they go into shock afterwards. As soon as you close them up they are good to go, and don't seem to hold any grudge or fear of you afterwards.
Anyway, I hope she makes as fast a recovery as my Vippy did and doesn't continue to eat grass/straw/hay again as soon as she has the opportunity like my little hen sadly did.

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