In case you every wondered...what a difference my robot has made!!!

The dirt dog does well on hardwood floors and throw rugs. If I had to do it all over again though, I would get my friends 560. It vacuums as well as sweeps, came with a virtual wall and returns to the docking station on it's own when the battery gets low. I love my dirt dog though and it does a wonderful job in here. Roomba allows you to upgrade occasionally so in two years I may trade it in with some cash for something more advanced.
My friend has long haired mini poms so she has to clean her brushes a lot more than I do with my short haired Westie and Dobie, so that is something to take into account when picking out one.
Yes the 5oo series is the way to go!
Have one too, gift from daughter it is a 560. Was saving for a 530. 1st time use, had to empty the dust ben and clean brushes several times. Now, cleans 3 rooms with one cleaning at the end.
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Harlan and Verlaj, When it arrives it will be one of the happiest days of your life but......YOU MUST LET THE BATTERY CHARGE THE FULL 16 HOURS PRIOR TO USE. Plugging it in and leaving it alone is one of the hardest things you will ever do but you must.

Old city farmer, isn't it amazing how much crud you had in your house the vaccuum cleaner missed????I miss the good old days of looking forward to a full tray of crud (I call him Hector) Hector had picked up for me. Now that I run him every day, sometimes twice a day, I barely get 1/2 a tray full.
Yesterday I flipped my couch over so Hector could sweep underneath. Prior to Hector I would have had to have been in a real cleaning frenzy to do something like that.

Harlan, deb and Verlaj, you will thank me for telling you about this and wonder how you lived your life without one!
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Do they really get in the corners and along the walls good?

I just looked on their website..i'd need the pro-series i think.. its About $500 bucks..UGH! but it really looks like it works! I wonder what the BIG difference is between the ones that cost $200 and the ones that cost $500? geez!
Also..where did your friend find the discouted/returned one? i didnt see any on their site..
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