in my tree ??


Currently Birdless Hippy
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
with maurice, the original space-cowboy
hehe,, the other day bout dinner time, my roo was going "ape" over something,, so out i went, looked around, and kept hearing this high pitched scream,,,, guess what was in my tree? a bird,,,lol,,, a COOL bird,, after hoseing him a bit, and lots of pleads, he came down close nuff for me to get my net around him , brought him inside, put him in my dog crate, and MAN did he PIG out, and drank what seemed to be a gallon of water.
now theres history here with me and birds,, ive caught 4 or 5 parakeets here, and found them all cool homes ( inside birds bother my eyes) well ,, this 1 if an owner dont show up is MINE!!
went got him a real cage yesterday, and found out what he was,,,, a lilac crowned amazon .
he is great, only bites me a little hard, but already knows what NO means lol,, heres a quick pic , i know he aint a chicken so not that many interested in seeing his ugly mug LOL

Lilac Crowns at our store go for $1400. Good find. You should get it DNA sexed so if you know if it is a male or female. And clip its
....i'm glad you caught him, now he'll be safe!..awesome!..what'cha gonna name him?

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