In need of proper goose education


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2019
I am a new gosling momma, I have an almost 5 week old Melvin(well I hope he is a Melvin) I have noticed his stools are very watery. I am new to this so I am learning with him through every curve, I've done research and honestly not sure what species of goose he maybe I do know I am in love with him totally and completely. Any and all education and advice is welcome with open arms. I want to be the best goose momma I can for him. Thank you in advance for your help.
Congrats on your new baby!

The very first thing to do is to find another goose for him. Geese are flock animals and need to have at least one friend of their own species, no matter if he lives or will be living with other birds of other species :)

As far as his species, he looks to be a regular domestic goose, Anser anser domesticus. As far as breed, I would guess possibly Embden.

Watery stool is very normal in waterfowl. They play in the water and drink a ton of it, so it comes out the other side, lol.
Hi Kristen! :welcome Awe very adorable! Looks like a snow goose? @Pyxis is correct, they do normally have watery stools from their love of water and he may need a flockmate. Good luck! :)
Congrats on your new baby!

The very first thing to do is to find another goose for him. Geese are flock animals and need to have at least one friend of their own species, no matter if he lives or will be living with other birds of other species :)

As far as his species, he looks to be a regular domestic goose, Anser anser domesticus. As far as breed, I would guess possibly Embden.

Watery stool is very normal in waterfowl. They play in the water and drink a ton of it, so it comes out the other side, lol.
Thank you so much, I thought he might have been an Embden as well but he has absolutely beautiful bright baby blue eyes! I have 2 more coming. Is it okay if they are younger than him? Oh also as far as a safe goose house what are some options or do you know of any diy websites. Melvin is such a wonderful addition. We play in the pool together hopefully I can pic up his girls today. Is there any specific feed he needs? honest peas Melvin mostly grazing I have 1.65 acres and he absolutely loves rolled oats this is such an amazing experience for me I have had all kinds of animals growing up exotic birds, iguanas, dogs ,cats, squirrel,raccon rabbit but this is new to me and I'm so glad I found this forum. Thank you all so much!
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Really?!?! Me too!!! I raise all kinds of exotic animals! Haha. Yea I think because of his blue eyes he actually is an Embden. How.much younger are they? since they are females it should be fine. How old is he?

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