In the emergency of a natural disaster where do you move your chickens?

Have you seen the satellite photos? The Kiwis have been copping the smoke from our fires for several days now. I don't recall ever hearing of that happening before.

That's smoke, not cloud...:(

Our neighbours are down the south coast. She posted pictures. In 20 minutes it went from orange to black!
I am so sorry to hear that this is happening. Fire terrifies me, and I get scared when we burn the (self-explanatory) burn pile in our backyard -- I don't think that I could deal with living only ten to fifteen kilometers from a wildfire for any amount of time.
Muscovy Wunda -- I'm sorry for your loss. Tight hugs and condolences.
Butterscotchbitesfinger -- Good to hear that you're safe, at least for a few days.
I wish that I could say more, but I'm always at a loss for words when this kind of stuff happens.
I hope that you'll be all right, and I'll pray for you all.
@Muscovy Wunda -- Scary stuff, especially when it's out of control. Well, that was stating the obvious, I guess. Sorry.
Words are wriggly little things, aren't they? (Trying to be funny -- sorry if the timing was horrible.) I worry that I'll say something wrong when I try to comfort someone. Sorry if that happens.
Good luck to you, and I hope that you'll be all right. All things will come to an end, and that includes wildfires, as well.
You are just like me! I overthink it too when trying to comfort. I try find the lighter side of things with humor, but I know some people don't like it.

We are okay here. A beautiful cool change came through last night, bringing with it our first dust storm of the new year. Hoping the cool reaches the east and brings some relief for them. :fl

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