Incomplete impacted crop treatment - please help!

Have you wormed your flock within the last six months? If not, it might be that worms are slowing down her digestive functions.

Fairy eggs are usually albumen only, having formed in the oviduct by a small irritant rather than a yolk.
We wormed in mid-January. Should I worm again? I'm not seeing any worms, but have been dealing with diarrhea for a long time - which I addressed in another post. In fact, I'm just finishing up with Corid. We're on Day 6. And if I do worm them, should I continue with the other medications/supplements?
Cracked the mini egg to see

Hopefully,the egg is a one-off. But keep an eye on that.

It would be a good idea to worm. It can safely be done at the same time as the Corid. Corid is given for five days, one week off, then five more days. Worm again in fourteen days.
BTW - I found this very helpful. I have these silicone, mini ice cube trays. I measured out 1 tsp portions of soft, coconut oil per cell, then refrigerate the tray (which has a lid). I pop 2 "cubes" out when needed, and slice them up with a filet knife, for less crumbling

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We wormed in mid-January. Should I worm again? I'm not seeing any worms, but have been dealing with diarrhea for a long time - which I addressed in another post. In fact, I'm just finishing up with Corid. We're on Day 6. And if I do worm them, should I continue with the other medications/supplements?

I'm not seeing any worms, but have been dealing with diarrhea for a long time - which I addressed in another post. In fact, I'm just finishing up with Corid. We're on Day 6. And if I do worm them, should I continue with the other medications/supplements?
I like the mini cube tray idea!

On one of your other threads, you started Corid for everyone right?

But here you mention, if you do worm them, should you continue with other medications/supplements - are you giving any other supplements/vitamins or medications along with the Corid now? What dose of Corid are you giving?
You also mention ordering Amoxicillin in one of your other threads - have you started that or?

I would follow Carol's instructions on treating the crop. Finish the Corid of course. Deworming is a good idea. Safeguard or Valbazen would be good choices.

I Laney the hen that's been having issues with the soft shelled eggs or is it another hen?
I like the mini cube tray idea!

On one of your other threads, you started Corid for everyone right?
Correct. 2 tsp per gallon of water. The poops have improved for some of the girls. A couple of them still have diarrhea.
But here you mention, if you do worm them, should you continue with other medications/supplements - are you giving any other supplements/vitamins or medications along with the Corid now? What dose of Corid are you giving?
You also mention ordering Amoxicillin in one of your other threads - have you started that or?
I have not started the aqua-mox. I ordered it for gerty, who was one of my soft egg layers, who also had a very concerning poop. She seems to have perked up, and I haven't gotten a soft egg for a while. But, I wonder if she is the one who laid the tiny egg.

Laney is getting the coconut oil, pro-biotic tablet and now metrodonizole. I am giving the pro-biotic to Gerty and Sadie as well. Sadie was the other one who was laying soft eggs - at least once.

I do have pro-bios powder, but because I am treating with Corid, I have not been using it.
I would follow Carol's instructions on treating the crop. Finish the Corid of course. Deworming is a good idea. Safeguard or Valbazen would be good choices.

I Laney the hen that's been having issues with the soft shelled eggs or is it another hen?
Last time I used SafeGuard, I administered it directly into the beak. I think it should be ok to squirt it on a little piece of bread and feed it. Less stress for the girls. Do you think that would be ok?

Thank you for looking into my other threads and weighing in ♡
We have a lot going on
@azygous @Wyorp Rock

I came across azygous' impacted crop article yesterday, and decided to test my girls, since they have been having so many issues. I took away their feed at bedtime and checked them in the morning. Sure enough, I have one hen, Laney who has an impacted crop. I followed the directions for treatment (all the way to the end - oil, massage oil masage, stool softener, massage, oil, massage). Although her crop is no longer hard, and has reduced in size, it did not empty all the way. She still has a mass that is about egg-sized, though it is now soft and pliable, like play-dough.
I have separated her, so that I could feed the other girls, and because I'm not sure how to proceed.

Please advise. It kind of feels like my little flock is falling apart
I would say fennel tea work’s miracle sometimes with impaction if it’s not so serious I try this when my rooster have some sort of slow crop it clears thing fast and makes all things moving but only when there’s no impaction in the gizzard .
Because if the impaction in gizzard it’s very hard to move
The symptoms of gizzard impaction is when he only poop Yellow urates no green clear watery or dark
I would say fennel tea work’s miracle sometimes with impaction if it’s not so serious I try this when my rooster have some sort of slow crop it clears thing fast and makes all things moving but only when there’s no impaction in the gizzard .
Because if the impaction in gizzard it’s very hard to move
The symptoms of gizzard impaction is when he only poop Yellow urates no green clear watery or dark
The gizzard must be ok. Laney is not pooping yellow urates. Thank you, Saaniya
Correct. 2 tsp per gallon of water. The poops have improved for some of the girls. A couple of them still have diarrhea.

I have not started the aqua-mox. I ordered it for gerty, who was one of my soft egg layers, who also had a very concerning poop. She seems to have perked up, and I haven't gotten a soft egg for a while. But, I wonder if she is the one who laid the tiny egg.

Laney is getting the coconut oil, pro-biotic tablet and now metrodonizole. I am giving the pro-biotic to Gerty and Sadie as well. Sadie was the other one who was laying soft eggs - at least once.

I do have pro-bios powder, but because I am treating with Corid, I have not been using it.

Last time I used SafeGuard, I administered it directly into the beak. I think it should be ok to squirt it on a little piece of bread and feed it. Less stress for the girls. Do you think that would be ok?

Thank you for looking into my other threads and weighing in ♡
We have a lot going on
You can try giving the Safeguard dose on bread if you wish. Some hens tend to not want to eat it or you may find that some will try to take the bread pieces. Give it a try and see how it goes.

I just go out early with the medication, grab a bird off the roost, dose her, then set her on the floor, move to the next. It all just depends on how your coop/run set up is.

Safeguard dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
One of my posts went missing. Probably operator error.
Thank you Wyorp. I'll weigh my girls today and start treatment, tomorrow. A couple of my girls are feeling lighter :(

Edit: I'm happy to say that no one lost weight. A couple girls put on some weight. But they are not fat. One, Addie May "looks" like she's lost weight. Her keel bone seems more obvious and sher shoulders look boney. I wonder how I can help her gain wait (or should I), without fattening up the others
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