Incubating in my bra: An experiment.

There are bazillions of women that are better endowed than me! I am afraid if I tried the eggs would die laughing .........

LOL....I couldn't do it, to weird, what if one slips and it looks like you got a third boob? what if I rolled over and squished many what if's that would be so embarrassing!!! I would no sooner do this than hubby would put a few in his undies

But I applaud the OP who is trying...Interesting thread to follow
News: I put Abe in the 100 degree water and he went straight to the bottom and laid there on his side. No movement at all. So I took Abe out, put Bibi in, and Bibi also sank. This time, however, with the air sac up. No movement, though. So I think Bibi is also gone, but I put that egg back in the bra and will wait a bit for advice here.

Sunk to the bottom! :idunno mine all floated and you have to wait until the water stops moving and sometimes the rocking is very slight and you may have to wait a minute to see it. I had one egg that wouldn't move at all but I didn't give up on it and it hatched! Come on Bibi hatch.
X2!!! I had chicks hatch yesterday. 3 I knew were alive, and the fourth had a big air cell and I wasn't feeling good about her hatching. But she hatched!! So hold out hope! was under a little silkie broody, but still! Big eggs, little chicken...cold temps. Lol. Had to be close to the amazing boobie hatch. Almost there!

Congrats! :yiipchick

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