Incubating Quail eggs-tips please

They're just like chicken eggs, except the temp should be about 1 degree higher. What kind are they? Depending on type they can take 16-23 days to hatch.
I hatched my coturnix at 99.5 F (same temp whole time...may have raised to 100 but that was only for a few moments before i noticed it and lowered it). I watched those batches (2) like a hawk.

The hatch was great for shipped eggs, and my chicks are now almost 11 weeks old. The humidity I kept in the lower 40s, then raised to the 60s the day I stopped turning them.

Everyone has their own ways that worked for them though!
Yeah, there are always multiple opinions as with anything. I hatched my first batch
at around 101 air temp and 99.5 wiggler temp just like chickens. I got a great hatch
from that.

I have had chickens hatch early and have issues because my temps were too high.
Now I always keep the egg temps at 99.5 or below. I'd rather 99 than 100.

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