Incubating Shipped Eggs

The saddle shaped ones are attached but I also have ones that aren't saddle shaped but still move around some. Not completely detached but not completely attached either.

Then I have hope that they will reattach in time. Or you could attempt manually turning them in egg cartons. I will tag you in a thread that had a how to on that a few pages back. Also it's full of good advice.
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GREAT Pics! I have given up on shipped eggs after two tries. First was 2 successful hatches out of 16 and the second 1 out of 39. I had lots of wonky air cells like you are showing. You've done a super job on preparing for these eggs and I wish you lots of luck
I can't wait to see how they progress.
GREAT Pics!  I have given up on shipped eggs after two tries.  First was 2 successful hatches out of 16 and the second 1 out of 39. I had lots of wonky air cells like you are showing.  You've done a super  job on preparing for these eggs and I wish you lots of luck:fl   I can't wait to see how they progress.

Thanks :) This is my 2nd try at shipped eggs. 1st resulted in 0 hatches :( Really hoping this one goes better.
Update: It's day 10 and I candled the eggs again. Lost 3 more so I'm down to 23. Some of the air cells are still pretty wonky but they're still alive in there. I also have a cracked one. The shell is cracked pretty bad but the membrane is still intact. That one is alive too. I'm gonna give him a chance :)
The ones I have left are blue and gold partridge brahmas, chocolate and molted/spangled Orpingtons and 1 maline. I'm trying not to get excited for the hatch but it's hard not to.

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