INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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1% is insignificant. I'd go for 60-70% from day 18/19 on. Keeping it low now won't significantly enlarge your air cells in time.
Alright, thanks so much! I will raise the humidity; should it be closer to 60 or 70?
Guess I'd better research sticky chicks .... that's what's bound to happen, right?

Did you see my 2.4 ounce triple yolked egg a couple of weeks ago? I had never seen that before.
You can have too many roosters but you can never have too many pullete.

You are strong.

My feed bill is getting worse than I like. Maybe after I process the boys, and get rid of the extra ducks, I will be more okay with the number of girls that I have.
Regardless, I probably should return the chick to the neighbors. Although, the chick is now bonded with the others ...
:lau I think I have gotten myself another chicken!
As for the being strong, I just know that it won't matter in a few weeks. Besides, I had another crazy person to text the whole time!

k on my wayy

LOL! , I picked the right message to expose on the first try!
Second, I have plenty of work for you! How are you with power tools?!
Ok random though chick related question, I assume those of you that hatch chicks often have a few extras? How do you go about selling them? I have a lot of chicks and I feel like maybe ten- twenty Depending on my next hatch- extra chicks. Not a problem- most of them have homes and had them lined up before incubation. I'm keeping a number of specific ones but I'm wondering what resources you use to sell your chicks that's been successful? I would love to line up 2-3 more buyers for hatchlings or late season pullets :) but where else to look for buyers? I don't do auctions or anywhere I take them due to bio security issues.
@ChickenCanoe I liked your carving. Talk about patience.
Even though I can be low on patience at times
, I think that's what drew me to that media. Stone seems to be one of the most difficult and very few people do it.
The huge art supply store here, ArtMart, carries stuff for every conceivable type of art - but no stone tools.
No one even teaches it in the US and any that would, use power tools.
These Zimbabweans convinced me that was cheating.

My preferred tools of the trade.

I need to buy some stone.
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My feed bill is getting worse than I like. Maybe after I process the boys, and get rid of the extra ducks, I will be more okay with the number of girls that I have.
Regardless, I probably should return the chick to the neighbors. Although, the chick is now bonded with the others ...
:lau I think I have gotten myself another chicken!
As for the being strong, I just know that it won't matter in a few weeks. Besides, I had another crazy person to text the whole time!
LOL! , I picked the right message to expose on the first try!
Second, I have plenty of work for you! How are you with power tools?!
Alright, thanks so much! I will raise the humidity; should it be closer to 60 or 70?
Guess I'd better research sticky chicks .... that's what's bound to happen, right?
Good plan.
A few % here or there won't matter now. You just don't want shrink wrapped chicks.

My feed bill is getting worse than I like. Maybe after I process the boys, and get rid of the extra ducks, I will be more okay with the number of girls that I have.
Regardless, I probably should return the chick to the neighbors. Although, the chick is now bonded with the others ...
I think I have gotten myself another chicken!
As for the being strong, I just know that it won't matter in a few weeks. Besides, I had another crazy person to text the whole time!
LOL! , I picked the right message to expose on the first try!
Second, I have plenty of work for you! How are you with power tools?!
Pullets are easy to sell though and you can sell eggs. It's just harder to sell boys and they overbreed.

Ok random though chick related question, I assume those of you that hatch chicks often have a few extras? How do you go about selling them? I have a lot of chicks and I feel like maybe ten- twenty Depending on my next hatch- extra chicks. Not a problem- most of them have homes and had them lined up before incubation. I'm keeping a number of specific ones but I'm wondering what resources you use to sell your chicks that's been successful? I would love to line up 2-3 more buyers for hatchlings or late season pullets
but where else to look for buyers? I don't do auctions or anywhere I take them due to bio security issues.
Craigslist is my first thought. Each state has swaps. I'm an organizer of a chicken meetup and we sometimes sell or give away chickens to each other.

If a chicken with white earlobes lays white eggs and a chicken with red earlobes lays brown eggs, what color eggs does a rooster with blue earlobes lay?

Mostly tinted or cream.

Penedesencas and Empordanesas have white earlobes and lay some of the darkest brown eggs. I think there's a continental breed with red earlobes that lays a white egg but I can't remember what it is off the top of my head.
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