INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Does type of nail polish matter? My daughter would get a kick out of using pink nail polish on the crack. It's pretty spiderweby though. I don't have liquid skin bandage though - I could get some today though. I'm going to walmart and could run in and grab some....

Just to understand the logic behind sealing a crack though, especially with chemicals, what are the risks of using chemicals to seal the cracks, vs. leaving it slightly cracked.

Primarily you want to limit moisture loss. A cracked egg shell has only membrane to contain moisture and prevent incursion of bacteria.
I've heard of people successfully using nail polish but it never worked for me. When I used it, I used clear. I've used bees wax too.
The only eggs I've repaired that hatched were with liquid skin. It also has an antibacterial agent in it.
The last one I saved was about 70% covered with spiderweb cracks. I didn't expect it to do anything and I thought it would limit the chick's ability to break free. It did just fine.
With more than a single crack, I wouldn't use nail polish. Late in the incubation, the last couple days, what you seal it with won't matter as much as when the embryo's veins are drawing oxygen and calcium from the membrane.
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I heard them during the night but I don't know how much rain we got. I'll check the gauge when the sun comes up.

I wouldn't worry too much about the wrong end/middle pip. The last couple I had hatched fine on their own.

Love some rare prime rib. :drool   I'm hungry now.

I never ate any of mine but they're supposed to be a fair meat bird. They were good layers with a tendency to be setters but one of mine never did.

I'm laughing with you.

No way to relocate the nest to an ant free zone?

I have no words either. It's better to just let it go.
Yes. I'm glad he didn't pick something weird.

I wouldn't count on a non broody to start setting just cause there are eggs in the nest.

How did they do?
I was watching the MLB instant replay team give the Cardinal game to the Mets. Met runner was clearly tagged out at third but he stepped on the glove catching it with his cleat and when Wainwright pulled his hand away the glove stayed on the bag under the foot. They called the runner safe.
The next batter struck out which would have ended the inning but instead, 4 more runs scored which is how much the Mets won by.
Yummy prime rib. That is something I need to learn how to cook correctly. I wonder if they know on the chef thread?
Good morning everyone.
Morning all... Long night here. I worried about this little chick that I had to put in my incubator yesterday after the ant debacle.

It peeped and peeped but made no progress. I finally decided it's peeps were getting weaker and decided to assist.

I am soooo glad I did! I think it was just stuck. There was no blood at all and that membrane was so tough I could barely break it with my tweezers. Baby is out now, yolk completely absorbed.

Should I let it fluff out in the incubator while I'm at work today then give to broody or give to broody while it's wet? I haven't been outside to check on her yet today as it's still dark .... These eggs weren't due until Sunday!
:celebrate Great assist, but I have no idea on the broody except I would want to be able to monitor it.
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You guys are tearing me up with this prime rib talk. I'm headed to the grocery store.
Ooh! The meat market at Soulard Market is open today.
Oh, me too. It is my favorite meat. I need to learn though how to prepare and cook it. I am going to have them leave it whole this year when I slaughter. For now I have it in steaks. I need to ask @Akrnaf2 how he would do it, the chef, and how would you do it? Last time I did it no justice trying the grill. What a waste. It was not bad, but it was not :drool prime rib.
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