INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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How are you this morning?
We got very little rain. There was a lot of thunder and lightning but there was just a trace in the gauge when I checked it just now.

So what time can we expect dinner?

I can't say for sure. I have a lot going on. I have to prep a coop or two for new birds coming this weekend. I'd like to put new latches on all the doors and nest boxes and paint the building inside and out.
I also want to put down a new topping of concrete over the 160+ year old cracked slab that is there now.

I'm still salivating over the thought of a prime rib in the smoker though. I'll probably have to be gone all day tomorrow so I may have to put it off till Sunday or Monday. Maybe I'll just go to Longhorn.
We got very little rain. There was a lot of thunder and lightning but there was just a trace in the gauge when I checked it just now.

I can't say for sure. I have a lot going on. I have to prep a coop or two for new birds coming this weekend. I'd like to put new latches on all the doors and nest boxes and paint the building inside and out.
I also want to put down a new topping of concrete over the 160+ year old cracked slab that is there now.

I'm still salivating over the thought of a prime rib in the smoker though. I'll probably have to be gone all day tomorrow so I may have to put it off till Sunday or Monday. Maybe I'll just go to Longhorn.
Sounds like a busy couple of days for you.
Oh, me too. It is my favorite meat. I need to learn though how to prepare and cook it. I am going to have them leave it whole this year when I slaughter. For now I have it in steaks. I need to ask @Akrnaf2 how he would do it, the chef, and how would you do it? Last time I did it no justice trying the grill. What a waste. It was not bad, but it was not
prime rib.

Do you have a smoker?
That's how I was thinking about doing it. An all day low temp smoke.
Barring that, I'd do it in the oven.
This recipe is what I was considering for an in oven PR.
Especially when the cow is the red gold you often get from a Charolais Red Angus cross.
i wonder what color she'll end up but I think she is very pretty

Just went out and sprayed white vinegar all around coop and close as I could to broody without dousing her. Hope the ants stay away now. :confused:

Hello again all! 

Got my hands on some more eggs. Here we go again!


Hello all! Day 20 on my first hatch ever! I have 5 external pips, one of which is on the wrong end/middle of the egg. I don't hold out much hope for that one, and won't assist until it has been some time or the rest of them have hatched. I'm pretty excited for this bunch!

Good luck!!

A barnyard mix from the Games for Eggs thread.

I have to stop going on it...
lol, never!!!

Really? When I was a toddler there was an old Negro man who walked one past our house every day. I'd sit out on the step waiting for him so I could ride the dog down to the corner mailbox & back.

I find them obnoxious but the one we had was deaf, and my vet has a couple one is not trustworthy especially around kids the other doesn't care but is annoying


Er... an hour ago I had 5 pips... now I have 4 pips and one PEEP!! I planned to leave it in until dry and it at least has a friend. If no others hatch tonight, should I take move it? Or just let it go until another hatches and dries regardless of how long that takes?
leave it they can go a couple days off the nutrients in their yolk sacs


I ended up with 7!
What fun, and how addictive, is having chickens?!!!
And wine.

I just set 16 bantam cochin I ordered on byc and 9 of my own seramas.
awesome!!!! Lol good luck on the next batch!!

Morning all... Long night here. I worried about this little chick that I had to put in my incubator yesterday after the ant debacle.

It peeped and peeped but made no progress. I finally decided it's peeps were getting weaker and decided to assist.

I am soooo glad I did! I think it was just stuck. There was no blood at all and that membrane was so tough I could barely break it with my tweezers. Baby is out now, yolk completely absorbed.

Should I let it fluff out in the incubator while I'm at work today then give to broody or give to broody while it's wet? I haven't been outside to check on her yet today as it's still dark .... These eggs weren't due until Sunday!

Congrats!! Wait until tonight to give it to her but make sure the ants are gone :fl

Candled our eggs last night... 4/5 look viable so far... the one I am not sure is viable, has a blood ring in it, but it's not a straight line, and it's got a shadow that could still make it be viable???? Not sure if a blood ring rules the egg out 100%???

One of the eggs is cracked - HOWEVER! Our chickens have eggs of steel, they are soooo hard to crack them all the way open, so it being cracked hasn't harmed the eggs development at this stage, and we've been careful handling it not to hurt it further.

Our new batch of chickens comes tues/wed of next week, and our current batch will be moved outside during the "daytime" starting today.

My daughter is VERY excited to see if these eggs hatch... especially since the dogs killed one of her chickens named white freckles, and one of the eggs is supposedly from her.
good luck!! I hope your daughter gets a freckle baby :fl

Yummy prime rib. That is something I need to learn how to cook correctly. I wonder if they know on the chef thread?
Good morning everyone.
slow and low in the oven :drool it's actually very easy, and really the only way I like beef
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