INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hope to see a picture if there is another. Sometimes a rough shell, especially if the roughness is on one end can be from dehydration. I've seen it before. I occasionally get an egg with a hold like that. I think it's just a shell failure and the inner membrane isn't punctured. If I get them shortly after they were laid, I use them. Even if for nothing but hard boiling and feeding back to them. Go ahead and Swedish Flower hens? It is a boy cat or a girl cat. They still have parts. The other end. Sex Education 101. The bulbs can be plastic because they are LED. Light Emitting Diodes use very little wattage. Hence no heat generated. The 2 you have put out an equivalent light to a 40 watt incandescent but only use 5 watts of energy. The wattage used is proportional to the heat generated. The other lamp is 30 watt so also not a great deal of heat but more than the others. What are you using the lamps for? Are they to heat a brooder or for the hatcher? You'll need to drill a bunch of holes in the tote so they can breathe. A cheaper and better alternative would be to use a large plastic strawberry or other produce container. Free for the price of the produce and they are surrounded with breathing holes. You'll have very small frizzled barnyard mix chickens. In a word, mutts. A frizzle can't be full blooded because frizzle is a gene, not a breed. It also can only have one parent with the frizzle gene. So one parent was a frizzled something and the other parent was something else.
The builds are for the box bator I am making, I need a 40 watt the 30 watt got to the temp but I want a 40 watt so it doesn't take so long to heat it up. And I might order and egg tuner and set inside the tray.
The builds are for the box bator I am making, I need a 40 watt the 30 watt got to the temp but I want a 40 watt so it doesn't take so long to heat it up. And I might order and egg tuner and set inside the tray.
did you get my post ??

LED bulbs WONT work
You need INCANDESCENT bulbs - they are the ones that create the heat
what do u mean
i mean that you dont know what to treat for
and you wont take her to a vet to find out what she needs to be treated for
THEREFORE just treating for whatever and WASTING money that you dont have
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if it is labeled for Human use, why couldnt it be used in poultry intended for consumption??
Chickens are different that humans liz

Not this one! :lau

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