INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Zipping is where they start making a full trip around the egg, therefore creating a circle zipper and splitting the shell top from bottom.
Where's that chick hatching emoticon?
For Sally: my Cream Brabanters.
Minnie Pearl, Punk Rock Girl, and a cockerel named Mojo Nixon

A close-up of Mojo: still recovering from being second fiddle to the dominant roo at his last home, but when that beard fills out he will be a handsome one.
I never had that breed, they are cute! so they do well in cold weather... hmmmm!

I might have figured it out. If it appears it is one of the babies hatching from last night.
you got it!!! see not hard!!!! and a great video! much better than any I have taken!!!
sure but I dont expect to anytime soon, I think I threw some links in the article, did you check them out, that one guy down south has some good full videos you can get the idea of the electrical parts. anything else you can pretty much just ask me.
@Bubbles12345 I am searching for it give me a minute potty break
Sally, would it be possible to have a step-by -step video of assembling a coolerbator if you happen to make another? The article is really great, but I can't seem to get it through my head how it goes together. If you can't, that's perfectly fine and sorry to bug you, I just wondered if it was possible.

OK check out his play lists on you tube..... I think I watched all of them before I started! @Bubbles12345
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I never had that breed, they are cute! so they do well in cold weather... hmmmm!

you got it!!!  see not hard!!!!  and a great video!  much better than any I have taken!!!

If these girls get laying again we can do an egg exchange in the spring, haha. I'll meet you at the border. Hand over some CL or XXL blue mix eggs for some Cream Brabanters eggs? ;-)
Seriously though, waiting for them to start laying again has me nervous. They had a rough molt and then moved into quarantine for a while when I got them. They are still adjusting.
All reports say cold hardy and the eggs I tried hatching were big beautiful white eggs.
Sounds like a great plan Tao!

Cynthia, I mean like a child stomping her foot and then walking away to her room LOL
OK I got a PM for help that may be heading over so HEADS UP in case u see her post

Today at 9:41 pm
Hello this is my second time hatching and I dont know what this and if it is bad or not plz help

Sally Sunshine

Today at 9:58 pm
Its pipped the wrong end of the egg, get several q tips and clean the area free of liquids and see if he is still alive and breathing. close the bator though. so not to put the others in stress.... @flame21323
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