INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have not heard from her yet. These are Rees ccl
The first post said Reese, and the second post said Rees... so I was a bit confused by that (doesn't take much). To make matters worse, you wrote Rees and Greenfire in the same post, as though they were two separate identities. Greenfire exclusively carries Jill Rees CCL... so I was completely off the map at that point.
Sweet! Now don't forget to check the temp and RH for accuracy...   ;)

I can't find any available. It's just as well... I have 22 hatchery quality BR's to deal with at the moment. They're turning out to be pretty good looking birds, if I may say so...

I thoroughly have enjoyed my IV bator. Had a couple of successful hatches in it, and can't wait to use it again! Just wish it had a little more capacity...  

How many does it hold
So I just hit hour 6 for calibrating the hygrometers. One says 66 and one says 82. I put 1 teaspoon of salt in a small cap and added a few drops of water and sealed them in a container. Should I trust these numbers. I am second guessing myself.
I would run the test a minimum of 12 hours... preferably 24. If you only added a few drops of water, it may not be enough to give a reliable test. The salt should be very moist, like a thick slurry...

Im hovering , one pip but it was face down brown liquid looks like oozed and suffocation happened before i even noticed it had pip , but theres another that is pip and im worrying this one however is face up
Sorry about the one you lost, but hopefully the other one will work out better.
I would run the test a minimum of 12 hours... preferably 24. If you only added a few drops of water, it may not be enough to give a reliable test. The salt should be very moist, like a thick slurry...

Sorry about the one you lost, but hopefully the other one will work out better.   :fl

Thanks , im hoping they hatch :fl
Glad you made it through without incident! We had a late cell sneak up on us last night after we thought we were in the clear, and it was the worst of the entire storm. Hope that doesn't happen to you!

8 of 12 are rollers? Wow. Hopefully they'll reattach. How were they wrapped? If there were a lot of newspapers, and especially if wrapped in newspaper, it tends to wick the moisture out of the eggs. I hope they're not old eggs...  

I have pictures but can't seem to load more than one at a time on my phone. They were in cartons wrapped in bubble wrap and then shredded newspaper wrapped around the cartons.





Well that was a process but I think they loaded. We will see if not I give up because I ain't trying that again.

Need some input here please. Each of the red marks shows a vent hole, the red circle is a vent hole right over the fan i put in myself, was a still air. If i plug that one my humidity stays up but unplugged the fan sucks alot of it out. The fan is blowing up. With so many holes on top could i plug that one hole to help with humidity and still have adequate ventilation ?
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