INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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you could get one of those itty bitty ones! Then you'd only have to worry bout chicks

When I released that great horned owl, I put him near a bunch of those little kestrels. They were like mad little chihuahuas! A falconer I work with raises pigeons to feed his birds.....
The little kestrels eat chicks. (I found they will also eat tomato worms). I hate to remove any of the raptors since they eat so many rodents.....
I don't know about owls where you live, but the owls out my way think chicken is mighty tasty!!  Any time a chicken doesn't go to coop for the night, they run the great risk of it being their last night.

Owls are not bad here. We can hear them but they are smaller. I know we have great horned owls but I have not seen them.
So I hatched my serama chicks, anyone care besides TJ?

HarmonyAnns Serama all out 1 DIS that I showed you the candle of... there in the brooder, too lazy to take a pic

Owls are not bad here. We can hear them but they are smaller. I know we have great horned owls but I have not seen them.

We were camping up north a few years ago and a severe storm blew through. We heard a weird, haunting sound and tracked it to a big aspen tree. A Great Horned Owl was perched in the lowest crotch of the tree, making a weird call. After a bit we heard an answering cry, and found a baby owl cold, wet, and on the ground at the base of the tree. While we worked on trying to figure out a way to get an owl chick 30 feet up a 60 foot tree, we brought it near the campfire to warm up in a box.

Unfortunately it passed soon after...the fall likely killed it. It was a downy baby, no feathers at all.
Such cute little chickies! I just finished researching the genetics for the colors I need to get the perfect color Roo for my project. SO excited.
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