INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Really? Oh. It was in the spring hatch thread. You were posting. I quoted you, and said I really wanted the emoji you do for me. You posted again a few times right after. I said it again before bed that night while you were posting. Some one (Chicken canoe I believe) did it for me. Made me happy, but it wasn't you. :hit
I sowwy. Many times I miss posts because I don't always read back. I jump on, jump in, and jump off. Sounds like another aspect of my life, come to think of it... :oops:
The Penedesenca have a reputation. My coop fairy calls them crazy. She keeps silkies and therapy bantams which I alternatively call fake chickens. The very reason some people shun Penes is the reason I love them. Clearly, I don't keep lap chickens. These birds are survivors. They are determined to thrive and will do whatever it takes. Blood testing day for NPIP is a real test of resolve. They avoid all human contact up to about a year of age when they finally decide I'm not going to eat them - yet. They will come running when they realize I may be bringing treats but still won't let me within 5 feet of them. The roosters are a little bolder but still can't touch them. On the plus side, being extremely wary and fleet of foot, it is rare to lose one to a day time predator and that is only when a rooster gives himself up to save the hens from coyotes, malamutes, etc.. I've never lost a chicken to a hawk since I've had one of these roosters with each flock. They do well in a free range or large paddock situation. Close confinement stresses them and don't try to occupy that same close confinement with them. They'll try to break the walls down to get away. The killing cone isn't that far away from the coops so it's just better to get there quickly. Just don't cross him with any other birds with the frizzle gene. Other than that, it won't matter because, in spite of the beauty of the bird or offspring, it will still be a barnyard mix. I have had to part with (process) some beautiful roosters. But in the end, they were barnyard mixes. One I remember was a black Penedesenca, light Jaerhon cross. The most beautifully colored bird I've seen. :thumbsup :idunno Quote: Quote: On top of all those excellent questions, any other symptoms? Any chance of carbon monoxide poisoning? What is the breeder nutrition like? Many very disparate breeds look identical as chicks. X2 Along with lots of cool space. I only got to see about half of it. Then about half of Fear the Talking Dead. I'll have to wait till they re-air it next week or On Demand. I don't think it will show up on there for another week. It's a pretty wild show. Built the house around it. EEs don't have varieties because they aren't a breed. They are a mix up of various birds that carry the blue egg gene. Seeing eye dog for a duck. Cute. rat, skunk, ringtail, opossum or possibly even a shrew Here's a partial list of all the animals around you that you may or may not have seen. X2
Yes it is s wild show goof show..... It also makes you think what would you be capable of doing if you had to....
A stuffed animal that is hollowed out to fit pajamas. The over abundance of stuffed animals that somehow (because we agreed they aren't sold many places) make it into our houses need a use. Dog toys and peep buddies are good uses. Pajama pets are too, and they can be sold for more $$ . If they look good, one can sell them as a little business. Otherwise, they will at least make more at a a yard sale. Ha ha! Since stuffed animals don't usually sell, these are sure to make more regardless!
We once burned a house to the ground - on purpose. Couldn't sit close enough for hotdogs. We started watching from 100 feet away. Silly us, we had to move our bench back another 300'. Very interesting. I don't know if I have a very high level of yira'at shamayim but I'm normally a nice person. I always try to eliminate the animal's stress. I may try this method in the future. I had just been cutting the jugular so it would bleed out quickly. I couldn't agree more on the extremely sharp knife. Do you know why the hind quarters of North American red meat is considered unhealthy? Is it because they are grain fed? It doesn't have to be waterproof if it doesn't rain. This place has a great selection of all brands at fair prices. That's where I bought mine - a Bushnell. cams If you build it, they will come. No predators 'yet' is a common refrain. A friend of mine had a raccoon get into a tiny opening in the pen and kill a chicken. She said she wanted to trap IT. As though there was only one raccoon around. I then sent her some pictures. Nothing keeps ants out. The predators just didn't know there was chicken dinner and egg breakfast in the neighborhood - yet. Sounds like temperature was a tad high. For your next setting, I recommend lowering the temperature about 1/2 degree F. What color egg did it come out of? Known in the computer world as GIGO. lol
A line of cinnamon and black pepper will create a barrier ants won't cross. But an effective ant killer is a 50% mixture of borax and sugar they will eat it and they will die.....
I have one of those; had it for years. I must tell you, though, that they don't work! They don't do what they promise! Pure fallacy and urban legend. Bunk! Lies! I've had mine so long it's partially split, and I've still never managed to get around to very much. :( :idunno
I got one of those round Tuit things back in 1984 when I went through rehab they will work if you apply yourself
I sowwy. Many times I miss posts because I don't always read back. I jump on, jump in, and jump off. Sounds like another aspect of my life, come to think of it...
As long as there aren't any complaints.

Yes it is s wild show goof show..... It also makes you think what would you be capable of doing if you had to....

A line of cinnamon and black pepper will create a barrier ants won't cross. But an effective ant killer is a 50% mixture of borax and sugar they will eat it and they will die.....
I got one of those round Tuit things back in 1984 when I went through rehab they will work if you apply yourself
Morning Phil. You make it out over the weekend?
And whites... I'm not being mean I totally enjoy reading your post.... But it is true if I hung out here all day I'd get very little done.... And if I'm not moving my joints are stiffening up.
Yes it is s wild show goof show..... It also makes you think what would you be capable of doing if you had to....

A line of cinnamon and black pepper will create a barrier ants won't cross. But an effective ant killer is a 50% mixture of borax and sugar they will eat it and they will die.....
I've watched both shows so much I start to think about a similar Armageddon situation. Then it scares me to think that some people that may not be as stable are watching as well.

Thanks loads. I'll try the cinnamon and black pepper. I occasionally have trouble with ants attacking weaker bee hives. I don't think I'll try the borax and sugar mix. The bees will eat that too.
I wonder if just plain boric acid would work without the bees getting into it.

And whites... I'm not being mean I totally enjoy reading your post.... But it is true if I hung out here all day I'd get very little done.... And if I'm not moving my joints are stiffening up.
I hear you. I came in to research bee yard configuration and got stuck here again. I have about 20 years of projects started and they need to be done in a month. Some need to be done yesterday.
Hey friends! I shared a pic of a few weeks ago of a duck with no eyes that I HAD to bring home from TSC. Wasn't really expecting it to even live, but it is 3 weeks old now! It is best friends with my dog, and enjoys lounging on the dog bed with her, or following her around the house! So cute!


Love it! Was wondering what happened to it

Just finished breakfast.
Paleo pancakes (cashew butter, eggs, applesauce and cinnamon) smothered in fresh strawberries and blueberries with a big slice of ham.
may I come over?
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