INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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There is one still in a bater that has an umbilical and doesn't look great
Awwwwwww.... aren't they sweet???? Here's hoping #3 will be okay...

Try to contain your excitement, M'Lady... still have a long way to go!
OHHH Louly!!! I bet the boys are lovin it!!!! congrats sweets!!!! :hugs I wish I could truly give ya a big old squeezeeeeeee!!!!! what up with the one in the bator?  how much umbilical is on and is the yolk hangin yet or what?

It doesn't look good.... It's week and has a huge veiny stringy thing hanging. I have him isolated cause the other chicks were running over him... Poor baby.

M'lord Joey!!! I win the first hatch Contest!!! I got an itty bitts!! and I do mean an itty bits!! look how widdle she is!!!
She is really cool!! and she is a unique hatchling for us! I cant get a clear shot with the window as it is!!! but she has awesome colors!! I dont think we will get but two maybe three littles... these eggs are really really small! I heard all this chatter in the bator and there she is!!
I will add.... this is why you dont hatch small eggs with big eggs.... just cant control humidity right for both eggs for a perfect hatch.... so the serama were sacrificed for the orders for the CCL
now I wish I would have fired up the big bator
@mlmddh Thanks Mike
I know you would help if you could. It is so depressing. She is my favorite girl, had the best pups out of all my girls ever. And what made it worse is discussing everything with the owners of the pups, but what is wonderful is our friendships with them. Its so awesome to know how much they love them. and I know neither of us are old, that is why I was surprised you said about selling already. But I do see your point at this time I would love to have critters but more a simple home with more land to chill and enjoy!
but that has NOTHING to do with town or NEIGHBORS no way my friend no no no!!!

@Rod-T do you see this? maybe they arent all that way louly how are your eggs and chicks?????

Thanks @firedragon1982 yep we have discussed since the meds are makin her eat like a pig.... thanks for the advice fire! I appreciate it!!
anything else I can do when she is down?

good news Amb!!!
so it was a lil one!

so where is this test the sharpie thread at???? @Lamancha

did you check on that chick amb???

@tao chick !!!!
I dont care what you do!! just come and say hello!!!!

Yeah, other than just petting her while she is in a seizure and talking, there's not much you can do :(
And the eating/drinking a pig... Yeah, Poor Dozer is ALWAYS starving (because he was naturally bottomless pit before the seizures
Watch the bottomless pit, make sure she doesn't start picking things up from outside. For a while he would eat bark outside...

And other than coordinating with her vet to let them know when she seizes and keep a journal of dates/times.... Not much else to do unfortunately.
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I noticed she started eating misc stuff out in the yard, sometimes pcs of shale, and grass weeds who the heck knows what she eats now... I assume meds make her do it?
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