
May 25, 2021
Ok so this is gonna be a bit tricky to explain but I'll try my best. I have 2 incubators (a borotto and a hova) and 2 broody hens (silkies). I feel like my silkie eggs are having a hard time developing in my borotto for some reason. Im curious to test it out by transferring them to the hova. The reason I'm hesitant is because of the humidity difference. Its been 40% in the borotto and 18% in the hova. Will the transfer damage the eggs?

Also, I've seen people take eggs from a hen and put them in an incubator, but have people takes eggs out of an incubator and put them under a hen?

Thank you
Those are all valid questions
Yes you can take eggs from a bstor and put under the hen
Have you calibrated extra hygrometers and thermometers to make sure the bator is accurate ?
I don’t trust the readers on mine so always have extras in place
When I have eggs that need larger air cells or slowing air cell growth down I will adjust the humidity
This hasn’t affected my eggs at all
I usually only go 10 % difference though
Maybe add just a little water to second bstor to get humidity up to 25- 30 % for a few days then back down

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