Incubator temp went up to 102 during hatch after first pip. Is that okay?


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2018
I’m hatching my second set of eggs and the first one just pipped. I noticed the temp went up to 102. This didn’t happen during the first set. The temp has been the same exact temp until now. (100). I cracked it a smidge to see if the temp would go down but not for long because I didn’t want the humidity to escape. Will the higher temp effect the hatch / chickens?

Incubator: JANOEL12
I think 102 degrees should be fine, i think 104 is at the threshold though for an air circulated incubator. If it's near hatching you can drop the temp down low like 96 or 97 just to make up for a possible spike and it will be fine because the chick is already formed inside and ready to hatch. Anyway, it's always better to have the temp lower than to have it higher if incubator is unsteady..... lower temps will take longer but will hatch, higher temp and you are really putting your unborn chicks at risk!
I’m hatching my second set of eggs and the first one just pipped. I noticed the temp went up to 102. This didn’t happen during the first set. The temp has been the same exact temp until now. (100). I cracked it a smidge to see if the temp would go down but not for long because I didn’t want the humidity to escape. Will the higher temp effect the hatch / chickens?

Incubator: JANOEL12

Good luck had that little one first should have stayed there gave 85 or better percent hatches
I think 102 degrees should be fine, i think 104 is at the threshold though for an air circulated incubator. If it's near hatching you can drop the temp down low like 96 or 97 just to make up for a possible spike and it will be fine because the chick is already formed inside and ready to hatch. Anyway, it's always better to have the temp lower than to have it higher if incubator is unsteady..... lower temps will take longer but will hatch, higher temp and you are really putting your unborn chicks at risk!

Thank you so so much! I appreciate it!

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