Incubator turned off :(


6 Years
Jul 19, 2015
North Central Florida
This morning I went to candle my eggs and found the incubator off and cold! :hit I had to move it out of the guest bedroom on Monday for someone to stay in there, and I moved it back to its normal place on Wednesday morning. Either I forgot to turn it back on (it does not turn back on automatically when plugged in) or we lost power and I didn't know about it (I don't think so though, as none of the clocks in the kitchen are off, but sometimes they don't reset it if its just a quick blip). I candled a few and they were cold with no movement but I put them in my hatcher anyway so they could warm up while the incubator got back to temp. It was at 23C. Well, right before I left for work I went and put them back in the incubator (they aren't ready for the high humidity of the hatcher). I candled a guinea egg real quick and I'm pretty sure I saw movement. I am so nervous about what I will find tonight when I get home. I've had instances where I had no power for a day, but these guys may have been without power for 48 hours. I'm glad I checked on them this morning instead of putting it off until after work!

The guinea eggs are due on the 10th and I'm actually not quite sure about the four chicken eggs. I was actually going to candle them so I could compare them to pictures and figure it out, because I forgot to write down when I set them. I think they are two weeks along, though.

I am really wanting these guineas to hatch as there may be a purple grandchild of my Purple male that was hit by a car last summer. I haven't found his daughter's newest nest so these are all I have :(

Well considering how long these chickens have been without heat, it would be quite a miracle if all of them hatched. You may have gotten lucky and have a few hatch, but a few days without heat is a LOT. I have never used an incubator, only hatched chicks with broodies, and those eggs have only gone about 12 hours without a mom and still survived.
But I hope the best for you! Good luck!
I have had them go without heat for 24 hours with no effect but this is really pushing it. I will update this evening when I get home. At first I was like well dang oh well and then I remembered the possible purple babies :( Not that I want any babies to die, of course.
This gives me hope.... Yesterday while I was at work the power went out at home due to a storm, not sure how long it was out but probably up to two hours. Because I wasn't home I don't know how cool the bator got. Last night I candled them but could not see much movement (they are Guineas so they aren't the easiest to see through). They are due to hatch Tuesday. I am praying that they are okay and totally stressing out waiting for the inevitable. :eek::oops:
This gives me hope.... Yesterday while I was at work the power went out at home due to a storm, not sure how long it was out but probably up to two hours. Because I wasn't home I don't know how cool the bator got. Last night I candled them but could not see much movement (they are Guineas so they aren't the easiest to see through). They are due to hatch Tuesday. I am praying that they are okay and totally stressing out waiting for the inevitable. :eek::oops:

They should be fine! I've had power outages of a day, and broody hens that return to the wrong nest until I correct them hours later. Fingers crossed for you!
I candled the guinea eggs on Friday and had to toss three. Only two looked alive and the rest were iffy. Recandled today for "lockdown" and all appear dead BUT I've had two hatch recently that I was positive were dead so I left them in just in case. I will give them until Saturday evening. :( I was really hoping to get a purple baby out of this batch.
I candled the guinea eggs on Friday and had to toss three. Only two looked alive and the rest were iffy. Recandled today for "lockdown" and all appear dead BUT I've had two hatch recently that I was positive were dead so I left them in just in case. I will give them until Saturday evening. :( I was really hoping to get a purple baby out of this batch.

Aww that's too bad:hit:hugs
My hatch hasn't been good, I locked down Friday night, had one hatch Saturday morning (wasn't due until today) it is healthy so far, 2nd hatched Sunday morning it is very weak and I don't think it will make it, 3rd hatched Sunday evening, it seem to be healthy, and nothing else since then. Due day is today so I am going to leave them a little longer then I will candle and see what I have prior to disposal. Very disappointed, this is my first time incubating and it has been a long journey. I started out with 25 eggs.:he:caf

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