Incubators Anonymous

Update— set 9 BR x EE. Supposed to hatch tomorrow night into Thursday. Well one little one has decided to be an early bird! Pip to hatch in less than 2 hours! An overachiever. Have two more eggs pipped now. They’re coming early!


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Update — 7 out of 8 have hatched. #7 hatched 90 minutes ago and I’m concerned because she’s is a bit slow getting up and going. Last egg has not pipped yet and is the newest egg. Fingers crossed they all are ok! Nephews coming for dinner and hoping that last egg hatches when they’re here to watch! Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is hatch day for 8 of mine as well! 2 longtails and 1 mystery egg have pipped. Hoping to have some good hatch numbers this time. It can be so dry this time of year 30%H average. Humidity has been a struggle for me with other hatches. This will be the first time hatching in my Brinsea with humidity control. Crossing my fingers! I’m hoping some will hatch while family is here too. Hope #7 perks up for ya Urchickchic! Happy Thanksgiving all!!!
#7 who I have named drumstick, has pepped up. She’s just a little slower— was really exhausted after all the work hatching! But she’s standing, holding her head up, and finally cheeping! Prairiewind60, I am in MD. and I did a dry hatch until lockdown. Humidity is so high here by the water. Good luck!
Y'all are making me really jealous...cause at this point, I dont think I can have a turkey....for a few reasons: 1st, I already have more birds than the county says I can have based on my lot size (and I don't really care about their stupid ordinance, I dont recognize their supposed authority about what I can do on my property!!! But, I only have half an acre, and I already have 15 chickens and 2 ducks, 4 chicks, and 19 eggs in the bator.) 2nd, my husband said no 3rd- I dont have space for a turkey run bc the chicken coop already takes up 2/3 of my back yard, and the dogs do need some room to do their business too 4th I have no grass, and I've read that a turkeys main diet is graSs.... but my ducks and chooks eat it all, every year we plant new grass seed....and they eat it all as soon as it starts to grow. So I think I have to wait for more land, somewhere in the country :-(

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