indian runner duck week by week

@Miss Lydia when his mom gave us marceline we had no idea what she was. She said it was the only duckling there and she felt bad that it was alone and bought it so we did luck out on her, when I went they had a bunch and the females had a band on their leg, do most feed stores not sex the ducklings? I think we may need to start playing the lottery I like luck
You'd most likely hit the big one right off. I know TSC doesn't have female ducklings marked, I think they do it get pullets At least the one closest to us. Not sure about other feed stores.
Hmm I'm buying 3 tickets today fingers crossed haha! I'd buy a big piece of land and have so many animals and marceline and Gunter could have more friends and even a pond oh to dream:)
Gunter is now on week 5 you can see her wing feathers growing nicely her wingSpan has also grown dramatically she is still fluff in some areas but her height is going up and her color is changing to a dark chocolate color
Sounds like here I have been trying for days to get some good pics of my 4 Bantam Cochin chicks but they are so fast.

Marceline and Gunter are a great team together they are adorable.
thank you :) it really is so hard haha out of the 20 pictures I take there are maybe 4 or 5 non blurry ones haha I feel the struggle
week 6 for Gunter! my my she's grown, almost mostly dark brown now, her wing feathers are coming in beautifully she's mostly feathers but with some fuzzy spots you can really see this on the back of her head

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