Indiana 2010 Chickenstock-2011 NEWS!!

Well i have these three light sussex cockerel's that are all going to get the axe if i cannot find them some homes. Their blood lines consist of, grisham, dingle, and Paul Bradshaw of greenfire farms. They have the coronation Lavender gene in them so they will be able to throw coronation chicks. Hatched these guys about 4 and a half month's ago from "revolutionmamma" a seller on ebay, the late, and right here on BYC. I need to know here soon if anyone will be interested. I will also have some st. run pure light sussex chicks possibly as well, except these are a little older....about 2 months at the time of the meet up so you could possibly sex them by then. I will take a picture of their pen and post it here as well when i get the chance.

Here they are about 3 weeks ago..." they are much more filled out and have greater color now " i can take more pictures of them if need be to show my point.

Cockerel 1

Cockerel 2

Cockerel 3

Edit: Also, if i can find some one who would love to have this, i would haul it to the swap for you. Here are some pic's and a brief description.

Here we have a s Sears/Leathy Farmaster Cabinet Redwood incubator. Holds 600 eggs with 6 pull out trays. Everything inside is in pristine condition for a 60+ year old Redwood incubator. Plug in wire has no fray what so ever. This is quite the rare piece, but i have a few things i need to pay off and as much as i want to keep it i just simply cant. You can ether e-mail me at [email protected] or call my personal cell at 765-465-8960 for any further questions.








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Hi everyone! where is this and how do we find out more? I am a newbie to chicks but I am in love already and chickenstock sounds great.
I have a black orp roo for sale but not a blue.

We're making arrangements to make it. That roo sounds fine as long as he's a big boy. My girl is huge already and she's only 4 months old. I say she looks part turkey because of her size.
Glad to hear!! Can't wait to meet you. Maybe I should post a photo of us for those of you who have not been here before?
I'll bring the hot dogs that is if we come. I will let you know in plenty time if we can't but it's looking like we are. We will camp out also. We would leave when he gets off work at 11:30pm so we would be showing up very early sat morning. Stay the night and head home Sunday. If my Phoenix don't sell here I'll be bringing 7 of them in hopes of either selling or trading for what i'm looking for which is a blue or black Orhington roo and white crested black frizzled polish pair. Who knows what else i'll fall in love with and then there's DH.
I'll bring the hot dogs that is if we come. I will let you know in plenty time if we can't but it's looking like we are. We will camp out also. We would leave when he gets off work at 11:30pm so we would be showing up very early sat morning. Stay the night and head home Sunday. If my Phoenix don't sell here I'll be bringing 7 of them in hopes of either selling or trading for what i'm looking for which is a blue or black Orhington roo and white crested black frizzled polish pair. Who knows what else i'll fall in love with and then there's DH.

Sounds great, we look forward to having you! We have plenty of room still for camping. I will get you on the list. PM me for sure and let me know what time to expect you.
Well, being as how I'm new here and new to poultry (kind of)... I guess I'll make my way up there for Chickenstock! I'm getting my flock started and will be on the look out for some BCM, Araucana, and Ameraucana hatching eggs or live birds...

I just bought 12 Lavender Bantam Ameraucana eggs and 24 B/B/S Bantam Ameraucana eggs from Sebrightmom that should be mostly hatched by Chickenstock. If someone is interested, well, I don't need 36 Little Banty's running around! I'll be keeping a few of each variety for myself, but am willing to sell the others... assuming they all get hatched by then... It's going to be close!

On that note... Can't wait to meet people! My only bird friend is chseeads, and I bet he gets tired of me bugging him!

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