julie~ is there a way you can build a small tractor and place it over her?
this one only took me 2 afternoons, and it was from scrap
Crafty Chick - nifty tractor. I could use five more just like it as quickly as my little flock is growing! She sits in a corner backed up against my house. She has a stack of shingles on one side of her and a lawn mower on the other. I haven't hit the area in awhile with the weed whacker and let the vines grow up a bit. I will eye it tonight and see what I can fit over her to keep her safer. I really don't worry about dogs or foxes where she is. You can't see her. I have an umbrella over her too to keep out the evening sun and rain. But if a coon or weasel catches on she is there its over. I've never had a problem with either but it would be just my luck.

I think I will put her with some eggs in the tractor I have one more time to see if the eggs entice her to stay there. Its too big and clunky to fit it in her corner. I'd have to make something else or possibly put my dog kennel there. Not sure if she'd go for that or not.
Old Salt- I mixed the girls in with my little flock and they are doing fine. They are a little annoyed with my roos and I am too. I think I have a $1.50 with your name on it, are you interested? That would take my population down to one bantam and one Easter Egger roo which seems like better odds for 6 girls. I have to go over to Central Indiana Organics again this week to get some feed so I would be in your area. Just let me know.

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