How horrid of M2H! Poor little hennies subjucated to hard labor.

I have EOs, not EEs. You would be in for a surprise when you picked up if you were expecting an EE.

Whutsa EO? Eagle/Orpington cross? I have 6 Buff Orpingtons. Don't need any more. If that's what it is, give it to M2H. She needs to plow the back 40 and one of her mules died.

Chatter? We think it's intellectual discourse.

How is the rating done? Where is it listed? I'm starting to think there's something to Old Salt's paranoia that we are all being recorded!

Originally Posted by Old Salt 1945 Hmmmmmmm. 280 miles round trip for a chicken. Yeah, no problem. I'll come down tomorrow and wait for her to hatch.
Do you have space on a couch? I'll share with your dog, if need be.

Old Salt~ She might let you share with her dog, but stay away from her birthday kitten! Kiniska isn't too far from me. I'll be happy to pick up an orp chick for you and I'll deliver it whenever I am in the Lebanon area. And that might be never.

The directions below apply to bantams and mature poultry of similar size, unless otherwise noted. For larger or smaller birds, change dosage in proportion to size of bird.

Use VetRx warm, unless otherwise specified. To warm, open cap. Put bottle in small pan of water. Heat at medium temperature. Always test temperature of product before applying internally or externally.

To preare solution, add one teaspoonful of warm VetRx to one cup very warm water.

Note: VetRx mixes with hot water, but floats on top of cold water. This characteristic is helpful, as will be seen in treatment described.

Symptoms of colds are watery eyes, droopy appearance, and an unusual tendency to shake or turn the head.

To aid in the treatment of minor respiratory conditions, drip VetRx solution into bird's nostrils. Place a few drops of warm VetRx, straight from the bottle, down throat of infected bird at night. Also, rub some warm VetRx from the bottle over head of birds and under wings.

If condition becomes worse, change to stronger solution of one teaspoonful of VetRx in one-half cup of hot water. Also, swab throat and wash head and eyes with this stronger solution four or five times per day. Keep nostrils, eyes and throat as clean as possible.

Flock Care -- If colds infect many in a flock, spray warm VetRx solution over as many birds as possible. Use any small sprayer, and keep sprayer in pan of hot water before using. For birds in flock which look droopy, rub warm VetRx, full strength, over their heads, eyes and under their wings (When birds sleep with head under wings, vapors will help them). Also provide plenty of clean cool drinking water for the flock. Add a few drops of VetRx in drinking water each time you change it. It will float on the water and get on the beaks and nostrils of birds each time they drink, helping to treat them.

Vaporizer -- If you decide to use a vaporizer, make certain it is a hot water model. Follow manufacturer's directions. Fill cup with VetRx full strength and operate vaporizer for at least one hour while birds are roosting.

Preventing colds and roup -- To help prevent colds, sprinkle a few drops of VetRx in litter every four or five days. Add a few drops to drinking water every time you change it. Rub one or two drops of warm, full-strength VetRx under wings. This will not only help birds when they put heads under their wings, but their body heat will send aromatic vapors throughout coop to help all birds.

For Show Birds: To protect birds from colds while traveling to and from shows, place a few drops of warm VetRx under one wing. It does not stain, or harm feathers, wings, or color. Rubbing VetRx on legs brings out the true color and helps protect from mites and lice. When birds return from shows, keep them separated from the flock for one week. Wash feet and heads with warm solution, and run warm VetRx from the bottle on heads and under wings.

Oh! M2H, I think my splash Marans, Frou-Frou, has somehow been speaking to your Jersey. She has been 'pretending' to lay eggs! I haven't been finding eggs from her in a month or two, but I recently found her nesting in her usual spot in one corner of the coop. Still no eggs to be found, not even a sign that they'd been destroyed! Silly girl!
Btw, Frou-Frou has dramatic eyeliner ~ so pretty!
Leah's Mom~ You are lucky! I'd love to have a broody hen who would hatch some eggs.
toodlesmom~ I just might attend the Indy Coop Tour this year. Sounds like a lot of fun.
Thank you, but those are the exact directions mine came with. I have read through it several times. I know how to treat it, it just doesn't say how many days to continue treating. He acts fine and I am just going to continue treating him until it has gone away. Many people have told me that Vet rx is just glorified vapor rub for chickens. It is very strong mediecene, so he isnt going to get hurt if I give him a little to much, but it is working.
How horrid of M2H! Poor little hennies subjucated to hard labor.

I have EOs, not EEs. You would be in for a surprise when you picked up if you were expecting an EE.
If Old Salt doesn't know the difference and he wants a blue bird, just box up a blue jay; it could even be a dead blue jay. I'll take his orp since he has no appreciation for aesthetics.
Thank you, but those are the exact directions mine came with. I have read through it several times. I know how to treat it, it just doesn't say how many days to continue treating. He acts fine and I am just going to continue treating him until it has gone away. Many people have told me that Vet rx is just glorified vapor rub for chickens. It is very strong mediecene, so he isnt going to get hurt if I give him a little to much, but it is working.
Yeah, I think you're right about the comparison to vapor rub. I saw this thread with info about it and chicken "colds."

I also ran across this on the Heritage Poultry Breeders Association of America (HPBAA) site. Scroll down to read about VetRx.
There's a lot of info about a variety of birds on this site. Also info on Incubating Eggs.
Just trying to catch up after a day of preparing for the show, a day at the show (hot, hot, hot!!) and a day recuperating, so a few things and probably don't remember some that I intended to post.

First of all, thanks for the kind comments after my chicken tragedy.

A belated happy birthday to Kiniska--actually tried to post in a more timely fashion but for some reason it wouldn't submit.

There's been lots of helpful info posted lately--thanks to all who have contributed.

And thanks to Brad and everyone else who has worked on the members' list.
It was sooo hot at the show yesterday! I normally get to spend some time visiting with LAMom but I was too hot and grouchy to be much company.

Didn't sell any of my Appenzeller chicks, but several people looked and wanted to know about them. Think I'll take a couple of adults to the Bloomington show so that folks can see how they turn out.

Came home with more silkies, of course.

A gorgeous little silver sebright hen was the top dog, er, chicken, when awards were announced. An acquaintance and I had just been commenting on how nice she was--maybe we should be judges!

One of my Polish cocks was disqualified because I forgot to remove his stubs. (Insert emoticon of me kicking myself.)

And that is the news from Lake WoebeWestport--stay tuned for the next exciting episode.
I was in my grow out pen today, that currently has 8 ameraucanas in it. Of course they all run away from me when I am in there. So i have to corner them to catch one. then they realize that I want to pet them and that it isnt so bad. But when i put them down they run away in terror again lol. So i corned them to catch one and all ran away but one. I was like huh why didnt you run way little guy? I was suprised how calm he was. I looked at him, he is blind in his left eye. The reason he didnt rin away is because I was on his left side and he couldnt see me. He is really nice though. Hopefully he stays that way.

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