After a brief hiatus I'm back in the FF business. I've corrected a couple of mistakes, under the guidance of leahs mom and several others, that made a surprisingly large difference.

The first thing is I didn't have enough feed in the bucket. It needed to be deep enough that I could get a good scoop without getting a lot of water. So now the feed is about halfway up the bucket and the water is a good four inches above the feed. When I scoop some out I put more back in than I think I need, and it works out about right.

Also my scooping technique was off. I was stirring up the bucket and then scooping, and that doesn't work. Now I scoop first, all the way to the bottom, and hold the scooper against the side of the bucket while I drag it up above the water. Sounds obvious, right? I like to think that it takes a lot of courage to admit to being really dense.

The other thing is I'm using pellets now instead of crumble. They disintegrate into slightly larger particles, which makes them easier to scoop and strain.

I can't wait to start using grain feed, which should be even easier to deal with.
Hello All, Today was an interesting chicken day. These are my 10.5 week old chicks. I finally moved their tractor into the chicken yard so they could get used to each other earlier this week. Tonight I opened the door and there was an uproar. All the young ones tried coming out but the big ones chased them back. Exactly as M2H described, my sweetest hen ran right over there and immediately established that she was NOT going to be less dominant than them. The littles stayed in their tractor even with the door open and the big ones stood outside daring them to come out. We did have one rooster scuffle, but it was between the ones in tractor. Please excuse the poo boards, its only been two days since I washed them off, but its their favorite spot to sit. Kind of gross.

My Welsummer and Silver Duckwing OEGB pullets.

Again, please excuse the mess, but this is Elsa, I hope. Other than she doesn't look friendly, does she look like a boy to you?

She's a suspicious sort, but my other EE isn't that friendly either, so I didn't expect her to be.

This is our Mille Fleur d'Uccle boy. I think he's a doll and he is really friendly.

This is just another pic of the girls because I think their colors are so pretty.

Bella is still sitting on her eggs, but I'm going to take them away tomorrow. I'm afraid of exploding eggs. Her baby is so cute, but aren't they all?
Definately a pullet
Had a sort of funny incident with my youngest niece yesterday (she is 2). We were out in the barn yard and a few chickens were outside the barn, keep in mind she is on the complete other side of the yard. She starts bawling running away yelling chicken. Scared to death of the things lol! They didn't even glance at her. I took one up to her, all she could see was its neck feathers and I tried to convice her to pet it, saying how soft it was. She didn't fall for it.
Where are your Marans?
I knew you would say something.
I posted those before I came to get the girls. So here they are today. They both laid beautiful eggs for us this morning too! I got a few other pics also.

This is what happens when the black oil sunflower seeds come out.

Scrappy is around 3 months now I think, and he is becoming a pretty drake :)

With his two ladies.

The Marans We got 2 from Raisenemright.

And their pretty eggs
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Good afternoon, everyone. Just came in from the coop. Our 7mo old broody BO has been sitting on 6 eggs. Yesterday was day 21 and 2 of them hatched. Today, 2 more hatched. 5 of the eggs are BO/EE and one is BO/ BSL. I can see that one of them is bearded. Yeah! We have 2 other BO broodies sitting on golf balls. Right before any one went broody, (3wks ago) we got 6 BR turkey poults, 4 white leghorns, 3 brown leghorns, 6 California whites, 3 Cochins, 2 cuckoo marans and 3 EEs. These birds are all still in our library. Of course our girls would go broody after buying all these. We are also trying 25 CX for the first time. Lovin' every minute! Definitely head over heels for the turkeys. So much fun.
I also ordered my antigen today. They only ship it on Mondays so looks like I will be a waiting over a week for it. Hopefully it arrives unspoiled, otherwise much money down the drain as they only refund if UPS loses the package.
I knew you would say something. :p I posted those before I came to get the girls. So here they are today. They both laid beautiful eggs for us this morning too! I got a few other pics also. This is what happens when the black oil sunflower seeds come out. Scrappy is around 3 months now I think, and he is becoming a pretty drake :) With his two ladies. The Marans We got 2 from Raisenemright. And their pretty eggs
They look a lot better in your pics then they did running around the yard! You take awesome pics. And scrappy is looking handsome! I'm glad you like the Wheaten Marans. (Even if the blue one was being a pain trying to keep her in one spot!;) )!
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They look a lot better in your pics then they did running around the yard! You take awesome pics. And scrappy is looking handsome! I'm glad you like the Wheaten Marans. (Even if the blue one was being a pain trying to keep her in one spot!
She doesn't have a choice right now, she's in the little red barn. Thanks, I like taking pics of them. We will have to get some you your flock sometime. I just texted your dw about the lice powder. There are a lot of things on here you can use. Just be careful with the dust with chicks and ducklings. It can suffocate them. I don't use dust on my ducks at all since they swim in the drinking water sometimes. If you want to sell anymore of the marans, I'll buy a couple more off of you. :) They are beautiful!
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Hey guys, I'm looking for an avian vet in north east Indiana. One of my ducks had a toe amputated by a snapping turtle last summer, and though I thought it healed correctly, there's some odd stuff going on with it now. Could someone point me in the right direction? My own search has turned up with nothing.

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