LOL i know how you feel! Two of mine are totally bald on the back of their heads from my Cochin boy trying to take care of business. Cochins are not graceful. I can't wait for the head feathers to come back in.
LOL i know how you feel! Two of mine are totally bald on the back of their heads from my Cochin boy trying to take care of business. Cochins are not graceful. I can't wait for the head feathers to come back in.
Blueberry is like one of our dogs to us, so he won't be leaving anytime soon, but I have considered separating him from the flock for a bit. I hate to do that to him though. I am trying to decide who I could put with him that wouldnt get damaged.

The klutz and one of the hairclub for hens clients
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Okay all, in an effort to NOT clutter up this thread with all the Chickenfest info and hopefully make it easier to find the info we need, I started an Indiana Chickenfest 2014 thread.

Here is the address:

I also really like Chickcrazed idea of a public google doc - but in case that does not work for everyone we also have this thread. 

Hi Flylady! I don't mind the clutter ;-). It was really nice having one thread to search when looking for Indiana stuff. Chickenfest was wonderful last year and we had a lot of fun sharing pics with members who weren't able to attend. It's just my opinion but I really hope people can share on this thread too :).
Meet my little weirdos. My latest silkies ae 2 months and 1 month olds now. The two month olds The one month olds Some candid shots today. It was hot out!
Those silver partridge are making me jealous! Lol. Beautiful
My hens feathers arent growing back from roo damage. I am at a loss. Blueberry my big cochin is the only mature boy out there now with 22 hens. How is it they are possibly still sustaining damage or just not healing. Most feathrs are broken, so doens that mean They have to wait for molt to get them back?????
im pretty sure they won't grow back until a molt. Atleast that's how mine have been doing it this year (first year having hens with bare backs and heads).
I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I married a chicken (or dog or horse) enabler.  The only thing stopping me right now is my single income and my single pair of arms doing all the work!  I'd be dangerous with a dangerous enabler man in my life!!!  I need to find me a grouch to keep me in check!

You can have my Grouch!!! I'd rather do it ALL myself and be my own enabler. Lol
Hi Flylady! I don't mind the clutter ;-). It was really nice having one thread to search when looking for Indiana stuff. Chickenfest was wonderful last year and we had a lot of fun sharing pics with members who weren't able to attend. It's just my opinion but I really hope people can share on this thread too :).
The idea is not to take away from the Indiana thread, but just stream line planning for Chickenfest so it would be easier to see what people are bringing to eat, trade, sell. I could not even remember what I said I'd bring let alone what others are bringing.

Also it will be much easier for those bringing birds and eggs to torture those of us lacking self control (and easier for us to succumb) when it is simpler to see exactly who has what in a more centralized location instead of searching 30-50 posts to find what we are looking for.

I still hope everyone will post lots of pictures and stories of our Oh so fun day on the regular Indiana BYCers thread so that those who can't come will see how much fun we had and we can entice the rest of the group into coming next year!

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