I'm pretty stuck on names! I just keep adding on more and more.
1.) Sonar
2.) Aurora
3.) Athena

I bit of both! A breeder in WI has a female due to give birth on August 21st. She is a black and white freckled who was bred to a Blue Merle male. So she should have black and white pups and Blue Merle pups. I'm hoping to get a female but will settle for a male if it comes down to it.
There are a couple problems though.
1.) There are several other people who are watching and waiting for the pups to arrive too. The last litter they had within 1 hour of posting the pups were claimed. So I have to act fast and stalk their website and my email for updates to make sure I get the pup I want!
2.) The mother could end up having all Black/white pups.
3.) The breeder hasn't mentioned it, but she may have others already ahead of me for picking. No deposits have been made for the litter till the pups are born. But she may choose to go by her information update waiting list.

I'm just running in circles inside my head. I've been searching for so long for this specific type of Border Collie and I'm so close to having him/her!

This pup reminds me of a dog my in-laws had when I first got married to my husband. Her name was Pepper. Sonar is pretty cool. Are you getting another dog or just dreaming of puppies?
Update for the folks attending my chicken processing workshop. I am holding off until my 2nd cow has her calf. I can picture it now; "bring water temperature to 160 to scald. Oh wait, Dixie is calving~break time!" :barniewill set a date soon, address, phone, date and time. May also be doing guinea fowl processing depending on time available. We have a large barn, so weather shouldn't be an issue. I really prefer doing this outdoors however, feathers are such a messy part of it.
Had some good friends stop by tonight, Tammie and Don. Tammie has a lot of ongoing health issues and a "bucket list"! I asked her if she had a garden, but pretty much knew not. Live in town and too small a yard. She cannot have chickens in Anderson. We went "garden shopping" and I loaded her up on cucumber, tomato and squash. DH and I have known Don a long time at least 18 years. He married Tammie a few years after he dated my oldest DD probably 15 years ago. We liked him a lot, DD had some personality clashes with him lol. Don and my DH remained friends.
Tammie was so excited to pick all the ripe food! It was almost 8:30 and past time to give Hershey our new bull calf his bottle. She had never fed a bottle calf and asked if she could. On her bucket list! Don got pictures but hasn't sent them yet. I will be 55 in October and you know what, I have a huge "bucket list" too.
Do it! Life passes by fast after the kids are grown. Don't pass up an opportunity you will think "what if I did it" later. Tammie is much younger than I but really has made me think. Enjoy the moment now if you can. Do it, try it!
Hi, M2H. Good to hear from you. I'm at my computer all day, too, so when I get home, being on the computer is the last thing I want to do.

We got several sexed pullet chicks from Ideal and one has turned out to be a cockerel. As I've never had that happen before, I presumed I was just out of luck.
Would you recommend I contact Ideal and tell them one turned out to be incorrectly sexed?
Hi pginsber! I just noticed your message. It's good to hear from you! I receive alerts, but looked, and did not receive one about your question. Anyway, it certainly would not hurt to contact Ideal to see what their policy is. I mainly contacted Meyer because I wanted their option. She mentioned something about filing a claim, but I said that it wasn't my intention. I've gone to Meyer's website a couple of times, and they have excellent customer service. Agrarian sells optional Rooster Insurance for $2 per chicken and will rehome them. Otherwise, they will rehome them for $20 each. I didn't get insurance because I figured if I ended up with a roo, I'd want to know who adopted it.
@jchny2000 I can't believe you're still waiting on your second cow to give birth. I did check the thread to see how things were going. Good luck to Dixie!

OK, Everyone—Pullet or Cockerel?? Here are photos of my 10 week old LF Partridge Cochin that I bought from Agrarian when it was a chick. It was hatched/sexed as female at Meyer Hatchery. I have felt like it's a roo for quite a while, but today I noticed that the tail was laying down more like a hen's. I took these photos on Sunday. I haven't emailed them to Meyer yet to ask their opinion. Thank you for your input!
@jchny2000 I can't believe you're still waiting on your second cow to give birth. I did check the thread to see how things were going. Good luck to Dixie!

OK, Everyone—Pullet or Cockerel?? Here are photos of my 10 week old LF Partridge Cochin that I bought from Agrarian when it was a chick. It was hatched/sexed as female at Meyer Hatchery. I have felt like it's a roo for quite a while, but today I noticed that the tail was laying down more like a hen's. I took these photos on Sunday. I haven't emailed them to Meyer yet to ask their opinion. Thank you for your input! View attachment 1498568View attachment 1498571 View attachment 1498572View attachment 1498575
My guess is pullet..... and a pretty one!

I never had cochins, but most breeds would have a larger pink comb by 10 wks if male.
@jchny2000 I can't believe you're still waiting on your second cow to give birth. I did check the thread to see how things were going. Good luck to Dixie!

OK, Everyone—Pullet or Cockerel?? Here are photos of my 10 week old LF Partridge Cochin that I bought from Agrarian when it was a chick. It was hatched/sexed as female at Meyer Hatchery. I have felt like it's a roo for quite a while, but today I noticed that the tail was laying down more like a hen's. I took these photos on Sunday. I haven't emailed them to Meyer yet to ask their opinion. Thank you for your input! View attachment 1498568View attachment 1498571 View attachment 1498572View attachment 1498575
I haven't keep the breed either, but judging the pattern I think pullet too!
And.. Dixie calved today, we have a baby bull! :love
Dixie calf.jpg
Both momma cows are doing great. Pixie is attentive to the new bull calf, and Dixie has been mothering after little Daisy since she was born. We won't name him until we know if he is staying long term. Right now its baby Mooo! There is a farm auction Saturday, and we saw 2 stanchions on the auction web site. I am milking Pixie every other day but I have to tie her up, she is a kicker. We may just build one this weekend if we don't get one at auction. I have a neighbor that offered his grooming stanchion we can modify also.

I bought a milk cow 4 years ago, named Fanny. She was my 4th cow, adored her. She was already bred. Crazy easy to milk! I just gave her the feed bucket, sat on a milk crate and got it done. Calving date came and went, she was AI'd. Had my vet out and had the ultrasound done. Fanny had a "mummy calf". This is rare, but basically the fetus dies and becomes a mass in the cows uterus. I discussed it with 4 different vets, and although there are options most just don't work. Keeping a cow isn't cheap and a non-breedable unproductive cow left me no choice but to sell her.

Soo needless to say, I don't have a cow stanchion! :rolleyes: I know...duh! But I see fresh raw milk, yogurt and Mozzarella cheese in the future :drool.
Will send an email out to everyone that's attending my chicken processing event very soon. Now that both 2 cows have calved I can set a date. I will include everyone in a personal message so there is open Q & A on date time etc. I have a short window now before they become a broiler, too tough to be a fryer or grilled.
Its not too late if you want to attend just send me a personal message. I will show you how, followed by hands on with your own bird or one of mine for a fee. I will have Ice Mountain bottled water in a cooler but please bring whatever else you need.

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