My new baby parrotlet! I can't wait till he comes home

Hi everyone. I am in Southern Indiana here and just wanted to know if everyone else has been having this crazy weather? I feel like I am living in a swamp here. We've had way to much rain. My ducks are even getting tired of it. I think Thursday we are going to get some winter weather temps.

Have a nice day all.

Welcome! If someone hasn't already taken care of it, let us know what you have and we'll update the member list.

Its been crazy busy around here and I dont get a chance to check the board very often. My youngest son (6) came down with strep on Christmas Eve, then my youngest daughter who turns 9 today fell at her grandma's on Christmas Day and broke her finger. So I spent part of both days in the ER.

In chicken news, I'm still hatching chicks
. I have some hatching today. After every group I tell my husband no more until Spring, then someone comes along and takes every one I have. Same with the rabbits. I havent been able to hold any back for myself yet lol.

Ive managed to build 3 new coops/pens all by myself! I am seriously terrified of power tools so this is major to me

Ive also started the process to become NPIP certified.

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, Happy New Year!
I would be interested to hear about the NPIP process. I want to do that but get so confused when I go to the IPA site and try to read through their regulations about age, percentage, etc.
Quote: BOAH... And NPIP
If you plan to offer hatching eggs or chicks it definitely is a plus for your flock. This is telling folks your flock is certified clean via the state regs, and you can also ship hatching eggs, chicks and and birds with this certification.
@kittydoc and @CCCCCCCCHICKENS are both NPIP testers. Please speak up if I missed anyone else! I want to become certified also its a matter of a 2 day class at PU in southern IN. Those of us keeping large flocks would benefit being certified, less internal operating cost to be NPIP. The antigen is the most costly part of being a tester.
If you plan to offer hatching eggs or chicks it definitely is a plus for your flock. This is telling folks your flock is certified clean via the state regs, and you can also ship hatching eggs, chicks and and birds with this certification.
are both NPIP testers. Please speak up if I missed anyone else! I want to become certified also its a matter of a 2 day class at PU in southern IN. Those of us keeping large flocks would benefit being certified, less internal operating cost to be NPIP. The antigen is the most costly part of being a tester.

Yes, that antigen is very expensive. Ironically I am a tester but have never certified my flock. I test my birds and new birds regularly and know they are clean, so I have never worried about it lol.
We have started to downsize our ducks today. My neighbor is interested in the pekin flock, we may trade for their American Buff geese. They have pretty well attached to our goose flock, and the youngest son, 17 told me they feel the geese are "Jerks". Its a win/win for both of us, I prefer the geese and they have been co-mingled with mine for several weeks now. Neighbors son learned how to process ducks today. He is really excited to try our personal Ducksgetti recipe! will be making sauce tomorrow.
Although we are downsizing duck breeds I will always keep geese. They are alarms, watching over my flocks of several species. Aside from color our breeds alert and attack aerial predators. I much rather rehome any of the ducks I keep than to put them in the freezer. Still have a few swedish hen, 1 cayuga hen and 3 rouen hen up for sale.
Busy day here. not only did we get the grocery shopping done for the week, but all 6 goats got their hooves trimmed. Still no little kids yet. I though the due date was 12/20 but its looking like the doe might have lost the kids early on in her pregnancy. I'm hoping not but that would be the most logical explanation for why she wanted to mate so badly in July and has not had any noticeable heats since then.
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