Indiana & Surrounding BYC Meetup August 1st, 2009

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Everything sounds so good guys!! Thanks for all your hard work!
I had a special visitor a bit ago and can't wait for you all to see the prizes! Indychick, sorry you can't make it but we will make sure friends feel at home!

Ok Announcement regarding parking and sign-up!
There is a field right before you get to my house, there will be a sign directing you to park in that field. That is the only designated parking area. You can pull into the driveway and unload if you have a lot of stuff and then park. Once you park, it is very important that you go to the sign-in area aka my front porch and get signed in as well as get a name tag. Thank you!!

Ok, back to work for me
Whew! What a day! I was able to get the door fixed on my truck.
I need to go get the bed cleaned out, so I can load the cages, and be ready in the morning. Oh, and I need to seperate the bag of DE, shoot! Here is my list of what I am bringing.....

DE ( I am thinking of splitting it into 10-5pound bags)
200 egg cartons...
10 bags of chips
Napkins, paper plates
Tomato and cucumber salad...


SLW (4 pullets and a cockerell)( ONE pullet is spoken for)
3 banty cochin Frizzle roos
Hopefully 3 Khaki Kambell drakes
1 White Easter Egger Roo
And, IF I can find a cage....3 Turkey Poults. (Tom is a Royal Palm, Hen is a Blue Slate)
Ohh, I have Sooo much to do! So, I am off to the madness!
Well the chicken is cooling and the noodles are drying. I am getting up early to cook the noodles and get all my chores done before we hit the road.
I just returned from a vacay

I will be bringing:

1 box/bag of hamburgers (whatever I can find @ Sams Club)
hamburger & hotdog buns
bottled water

So excited to meet all of you tomorrow!
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