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If I took the time to provide you names and dates you would just debunk them as wackos or fringe or use some other debate tactic, Ted Turner does come to mind though.

Abstinence is a MORAL choice it just happens to originate from a christian principle
mor·al [ máwrəl ]
involving right and wrong: relating to issues of right and wrong and to how individual people should behave
derived from personal conscience: based on what somebody's conscience suggests is right or wrong, rather than on what rules or the law says should be done
according to common standard of justice: regarded in terms of what is known to be right or just, as opposed to what is officially or outwardly declared to be right or just
Synonyms: message, meaning, significance, rule, maxim, point, lesson, truism, aphorism, axiom, dictum
See full definition · Encarta World English Dictionary

Please provide names dates and what was actually said by liberals about using aids as a form of population control. Yes Aids is preventable as are most diseases. Best way is to have one partner and use protection until you know it's safe. Aids has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. I would bet that you know absolutely nothing about African cultures. Africa is a big place with a lot of cultures. I'm sure the only thing you know about Africa is what ever you have gleaned from your pastor friend.Population control is also increasingly being featured in many environmental documentaries and films. An example is The Planet-documentary, which describes the ongoing rising human population, its effects on the planet, and the necessity of population control.

As early as 1798, Thomas Malthus stated in his Essay on the Principle of Population that population control needed to be implemented into society. Around the year 1900, Sir Francis Galton said in his publication called "Hereditary Improvement" that, "The unfit could become enemies to the State, if they continue to propagate." In 1968, Paul Ehrlich noted in The Population Bomb that, "We must cut the cancer of population growth," and that, "if this was not done, there would be only one other solution, namely the ‘death rate solution’ in which we raise the death rate through war-famine-pestilence etc.”

In the same year, another prominent modern advocate for mandatory population control was Garrett Hardin, who proposed in his landmark 1968 essay The Tragedy of the Commons that society must relinquish the "freedom to breed" through "mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon." Later on, in 1972, he reaffirmed his support in his new essay “Exploring New Ethics for Survival”, by stating that, “We are breeding ourselves into oblivion.” Prominent personalities like Bertrand Russell, Margaret Sanger (1939), John D. Rockefeller, Frederick Osborn (1952), Isaac Asimov or Jacques Cousteau also advocated population control.

Today, a number of influential people advocate population control. They are:

David Attenborough[34]
Michael E. Arth[35]
Jonathon Porritt, UK sustainable development commissioner[36]
Sara Parkin[37]
Crispin Tickell[38]
The head of the UN Millennium Project Jeffrey Sachs is also a heavy proponent of decreasing the effects of overpopulation. In 2007, Jeffrey Sachs gave a number of lectures (2007 Reith Lectures) about population control and overpopulation. In his lectures, called "Bursting at the Seams", he featured an integrated approach that would deal with a number of problems associated with overpopulation and poverty reduction. For example, when criticized for advocating mosquito nets he argued that child survival was, "by far one of the most powerful ways," to achieve fertility reduction, as this would assure poor families that the smaller number of children they had would survive.[39]

Is this enough dates and names? They are liberal in case you didn't know and some say "pestilence" as a means. Time to put away the Kool- aid

Abstinence is not a moral idea and has nothing to do with morals. Abstinence is a Christian idea. Christianity is a belief in Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with morals. So what you should be saying is that abstinence is a Christian idea. Morals and conservatism don't play into it. It's also one of the very least effective methods of birth control. Most effective is honest and frank discussions with children reaching those years and not making it into something taboo just waiting to be tried. Teaching children the difference between the act and doing the same with a person you truly love vs giving into primal urges. That's not a liberal position. It is a common sense position and is practiced by many conservatives.

Pardon my being blunt, but I don't believe you actually know what a conservative is. The Republican party hasn't been conservative for years. The last conservative was probably Eisenhower.

On Obamas BC. I assume you mean it is supposed to be a copy of the original vs the original. It seems to have satisfied everyone that mattered. All the birther pundits have stopped using to suck gullible listeners in. Trump gave up his bid for POTUS when OBAMA finally put the issue to rest. Seems like the man just shuts the pundits down and makes fools of them every time they come up with some other scheme to suck people in.
Dunkopk, I do know what a conservative is as I am one, I think what you mean is I would not recognise one and for that you may be right but I do know right from wrong and most liberals do not they just know what they "FEEL".

Do you really think abstinence is ineffective at birth control? it is if practiced. Remember the saying during the war on drugs "Just say no".

Why did Obama wait so long to tell us? Most likely the same reason O.J. ran because he did nothing wrong? ya right. I find it curious that it took Donald Trump about 2 minutes to get Obama to move on the idea. I think Obama thinks he is above explaining anything he does or is, he is the most arrogant president we have had in a long time. He didn't score well with Isreal.
Should we care what Israel thinks of our president? Last I checked it was Americans who were supposed to control their government, not a small country in the Middle East.
I think we should treat our allies better or not call them allies. That "small" country will mean alot someday.
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Better question - why are we allied with anyone? It's very counter-productive. At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I don't see anything very special about modern Israel. The only things it has in common with the ancient Israel is the name and the geography.
I have been there and your right for the most part but there are remnants you just have to get past the commercialism and replacement theology.
Better question - why are we allied with anyone? It's very counter-productive. At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I don't see anything very special about modern Israel. The only things it has in common with the ancient Israel is the name and the geography.
Wow, we have wandered far afield. The topic is inflation, not morality or birth certificates.

Morally, I am pretty pure, but then again I have had a lot of bad luck.

Please provide names dates and what was actually said by liberals about using aids as a form of population control. Yes Aids is preventable as are most diseases. Best way is to have one partner and use protection until you know it's safe. Aids has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. I would bet that you know absolutely nothing about African cultures. Africa is a big place with a lot of cultures. I'm sure the only thing you know about Africa is what ever you have gleaned from your pastor friend.Population control is also increasingly being featured in many environmental documentaries and films. An example is The Planet-documentary, which describes the ongoing rising human population, its effects on the planet, and the necessity of population control.

As early as 1798, Thomas Malthus stated in his Essay on the Principle of Population that population control needed to be implemented into society. Around the year 1900, Sir Francis Galton said in his publication called "Hereditary Improvement" that, "The unfit could become enemies to the State, if they continue to propagate." In 1968, Paul Ehrlich noted in The Population Bomb that, "We must cut the cancer of population growth," and that, "if this was not done, there would be only one other solution, namely the ‘death rate solution’ in which we raise the death rate through war-famine-pestilence etc.”

In the same year, another prominent modern advocate for mandatory population control was Garrett Hardin, who proposed in his landmark 1968 essay The Tragedy of the Commons that society must relinquish the "freedom to breed" through "mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon." Later on, in 1972, he reaffirmed his support in his new essay “Exploring New Ethics for Survival”, by stating that, “We are breeding ourselves into oblivion.” Prominent personalities like Bertrand Russell, Margaret Sanger (1939), John D. Rockefeller, Frederick Osborn (1952), Isaac Asimov or Jacques Cousteau also advocated population control.

Today, a number of influential people advocate population control. They are:

David Attenborough[34]
Michael E. Arth[35]
Jonathon Porritt, UK sustainable development commissioner[36]
Sara Parkin[37]
Crispin Tickell[38]
The head of the UN Millennium Project Jeffrey Sachs is also a heavy proponent of decreasing the effects of overpopulation. In 2007, Jeffrey Sachs gave a number of lectures (2007 Reith Lectures) about population control and overpopulation. In his lectures, called "Bursting at the Seams", he featured an integrated approach that would deal with a number of problems associated with overpopulation and poverty reduction. For example, when criticized for advocating mosquito nets he argued that child survival was, "by far one of the most powerful ways," to achieve fertility reduction, as this would assure poor families that the smaller number of children they had would survive.[39]

Is this enough dates and names? They are liberal in case you didn't know and some say "pestilence" as a means. Time to put away the Kool- aid

Abstinence is not a moral idea and has nothing to do with morals. Abstinence is a Christian idea. Christianity is a belief in Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with morals. So what you should be saying is that abstinence is a Christian idea. Morals and conservatism don't play into it. It's also one of the very least effective methods of birth control. Most effective is honest and frank discussions with children reaching those years and not making it into something taboo just waiting to be tried. Teaching children the difference between the act and doing the same with a person you truly love vs giving into primal urges. That's not a liberal position. It is a common sense position and is practiced by many conservatives.

Pardon my being blunt, but I don't believe you actually know what a conservative is. The Republican party hasn't been conservative for years. The last conservative was probably Eisenhower.

On Obamas BC. I assume you mean it is supposed to be a copy of the original vs the original. It seems to have satisfied everyone that mattered. All the birther pundits have stopped using to suck gullible listeners in. Trump gave up his bid for POTUS when OBAMA finally put the issue to rest. Seems like the man just shuts the pundits down and makes fools of them every time they come up with some other scheme to suck people in.

I see you don't know what a liberal is either. You obviously use the term for anyone who has a different set of beliefs than you do. There is a big difference between saying that aids is an effective way to reduce population and advocating population control. Population control through the use of birth control is once again just common sense. Hitlers methods were not acceptable and I am not a fan of abortion although I am a strong supporter of a woman's right to choose. I'll put it this way. If I was a woman with an unintended pregnancy, abortion would not be my first choice. As a man I have absolutely nothing to say about what choice a woman makes.

Breeding ourselves into oblivion as a species is absolutely true. We are already severely stressing the resources of Mother Nature. It is only going to become much worse. The Kool Aid is a lot safer than the pages you read that make you believe that go forth and breed is a viable solution. It was back when that book was written. Breeding was how people survived. It's how they had enough hands to sow and harvest crops. It's how they had enough men to protect their lands. For the past 50 years or so it has become a burden. Your book is the ultimate Kool Aid by the way

As for abstinence. Christian thingy. Morals are all a matter of perspective. You probably feel that abstinence is more important than being sure the baby of a poor woman is fed and clothed if you have to pay taxes to provide that food. Or that someone should die if taxes have to be used to pay for their health care. To me those are moral issues. Abstinence is not in my book. Relations between children is not acceptable to me. However I am not going to rely on a pledge to keep my daughter from bringing a life into this world that she can't sustain. That's just responsible behavior.
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Dunkopk, when you say" As a man I have absolutely nothing to say about what choice a woman makes." are you saying you are just the donor not the father?

I think I have answered your attempts to put me on the defense and your obvious trolling (coming from one who does that from time to time).

We have strayed from the Inflation enough and I really don't have a problem with population control as you may think as long as those that support it practice it starting with thier own lineage.
He waited so long because he had already supplied the standard papers that are supplied by the state of Hawaii. They were good enough for everyone in Washington. Do you really think the Republican party would not have moved against him if there was anything to the birther scam? Actually it took that arrogant POS Trump a bit longer than 2 minutes to get Obama to waste his time proving he was a citizen. He is far above Trump, but the nation can' afford all this petty crud that these clowns keep coming up with.

I guess you were never a teenager with raging hormones. As for the rest, just PM me. I'm sure this is very boring to most.
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