Injured Duck - Advice, please!


Jul 11, 2018
Portland, Oregon
One of our three Indian Runner Ducks got her leg caught up in a rope last night before I put her to bed. It was dark out when I found her and at the time she seemed to be walking fine and went into her house without a problem.

Unfortunately, today she's been laying down a lot, limping when she walks, and standing on one leg. My husband and I can't see anything wrong or any visible injuries, so we're not sure what to do.

Should we keep an eye on her for a day or two to see if she heals on her own? Immediately take her to the nearby avian vet?

Any idea what a vet could do for her?



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Could be a lot of different things!
Try to catch her and make her lying on her back on your lap:
Is she flailing with the injured leg?
If not, if you move the leg carefully, do you feel any resistance, is she showing signs of pain when you move the leg?
Just grab her and examine the leg as you would do for one of your kids...
Really could be anything from a sore muscle to a broken leg.
I've been watching her on and off through the window since we brought our son home from school and noticed she's putting more weight on it and has been swimming in their pond.

When I just went outside to get a better look at her, she (and her sisters) came running up to me. She's still limping a little and it looks like one of her "toes" is a bit swollen near the base.

My husband is the financial decision maker in the household, and when he saw her symptoms and swollen toe, he said he wanted to wait a day or so to see if she just needs some rest. If she's not better by Thursday afternoon, I'll put my foot down and take her into the avian vet.
I've been watching her on and off through the window since we brought our son home from school and noticed she's putting more weight on it and has been swimming in their pond.

My husband is the financial decision maker in the household, and when he saw her symptoms and swollen toe, he said he wanted to wait a day or so to see if she just needs some rest. If she's not better by Thursday afternoon, I'll put my foot down and take her into the avian vet.
Common sense choice! I also would want to make the vet richer for a minor injury that heals by itself. Just keep an eye on that toe and maybe give her a spa treatment tomorrow. What do you do if your feet hurt? - Warm water with some (epsom) salt!
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Well, she's still limping pretty badly and clearly in pain/uncomfortable. Since I seriously doubt she's going to have a miraculous recovery by tomorrow afternoon, I started calling avian vets in the area to see if any had openings either today or tomorrow.

Good news is, I was able to get an appointment for tomorrow afternoon with what is apparently the only bird-specific veterinary clinic in Oregon! Sounds like she'll be in the best possible hands. :)

Bad news is, it's a 30+ minute drive. Any tips for keeping her calm during transportation?

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