Injured Eye...


Apr 25, 2016
Mid Florida
My Coop
My Coop

We just got this baby yesterday and noticed her eye doesn't seem right. I read that chickens can get pink eye, but it doesn't seem to be oozing or crusty so it makes me think it may be scratched. What do you think? I put a pic of both eyes on here.


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Possible abrasion? You can wash it out with sterile water or liquid tears and then apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment in the eye. Just put a dab on your finger and gently rub it over the eye where the eyelids meet. Don't worry about getting it in the eye. The ointment will melt and flow into the eye. DO NOT use triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief in it.

Sure hope the little one gets to feeling better.
Possible abrasion? You can wash it out with sterile water or liquid tears and then apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment in the eye. Just put a dab on your finger and gently rub it over the eye where the eyelids meet. Don't worry about getting it in the eye. The ointment will melt and flow into the eye. DO NOT use triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief in it.

Sure hope the little one gets to feeling better.
Thank you!!!!!
No problem. Just keep an eye on it, no pun intended. The one picture with the eye closed looks like it is bothering the little lady.

You can use the triple antibiotic ointment 2 times a day. When the eye looks clear discontinue.

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