Injured hen

Jan 23, 2022
Nrh Tx
I have recently saced a hen and is now a member of our flock but her right eye is looking funny (i think she might have gotten attacked)
(her right eye)
Also her beak at the tip is chipped off a tiny bit
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Can she see out of that eye? Is she blinking normally, or closing her eye a lot? She doesn't look very healthy; her comb is pale. Is she acting lethargic at all?
Can she see out of that eye? Is she blinking normally, or closing her eye a lot? She doesn't look very healthy; her comb is pale. Is she acting lethargic at all?
She is a tiny bit lethargic JUST A TINY bit and i dont really see anything wrong with her blinking, she was saved by me so i dont exactly know what is wrong
Is she eating and drinking well? If she isn't isolated from the others you may want to separate her, in case she has something that's contagious.
Today is very hot so they are all hiding in the shade but she is still doing fine and runs around alot with the others!!
Oh, good. If her eye is injured, hopefully it'll heal on its own. If it isn't bothering her, I wouldn't worry too much.
Happy chicken keeping!

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