Injured Hen


Oct 4, 2022
Hi! I have a hen just about over a year old now that is hurt. Im not sure when she was hurt because I have been out of town a lot so my family has been caring for them. I noticed yesterday she was limping and I checked her leg out to see if it was broken and I felt nothing broken. I have noticed when I tickle her non hurt leg her knee will react and so does her foot, but the hurt leg, the foot moves but not the knee. She doesn't try to move it out of my hand like her other leg. I'm a good 80% sure the dog got ahold of her leg when i was out because my dad taught the dog to chase after them whenever they get close to anything. So I think when I was gone she may have gotten on the porch and the dog grabbed her. I didnt feel anything off, and I don't see any blood. She just walks like shes got a peg leg. Dad is against taking her to the vet because to him only pets go to the vet IF they need it and he doesn't see the chickens as a pet. I'm guessing its something to do with her knee since she won't pull it up. But she does get around the area and will eat and drink. I've been trying to watch her but she seems just as happy as before but with just a little pirate walk. You guys know what I can do to help her at home?
she does get around the area and will eat and drink. I've been trying to watch her but she seems just as happy as before but with just a little pirate walk.
Can you get video of her?
Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

If you have inspected her really well for breaks, cuts, bruising, etc. and are not finding anything and she's moving around, seems happy, is eating/drinking, then you may not need to do anything.
I agree. If she's acting normal and is happy, then you really don't have to do anything. Keep a close eye on her to see if her leg starts hurting her, but I think you're okay for now.
I'll get a video of it tomorrow going. But yeah she seems to get around okay and will eat and drink like normal. Just has a little limp. I plan on giving her a little bath sometime soon to get a better look. The only real odd behavior that I've noticed is when I do sit her on my lap she will lay there for a while. Normally my girls don't sit still enough to do that but I'm pretty sure she is doing it just cause she's a little hurt.
I'll get a video of it tomorrow going. But yeah she seems to get around okay and will eat and drink like normal. Just has a little limp. I plan on giving her a little bath sometime soon to get a better look. The only real odd behavior that I've noticed is when I do sit her on my lap she will lay there for a while. Normally my girls don't sit still enough to do that but I'm pretty sure she is doing it just cause she's a little hurt.
She walks like she has a sprain or injury, it may heal over several weeks, but you will want to take a closer look at her legs/feet (bottom of feet too) for any signs of breaks, injury, abrasions, etc.

You can just examine her as she is, giving her a bath is not necessary.
She walks like she has a sprain or injury, it may heal over several weeks, but you will want to take a closer look at her legs/feet (bottom of feet too) for any signs of breaks, injury, abrasions, etc.

You can just examine her as she is, giving her a bath is not necessary.
Okay thank you! I've been checking her everyday to see if there is anything new I haven't noticed and so far she's been the same. I'll keep checking though. Thank you so much!

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