Injured Pekin duck won't eat!


Feb 11, 2016
She was attacked 6 days ago, Pretty sure it was a fox. I have cared for the wounds. They are looking pretty good. She moves around, is drinking water. She will not eat, have offered many things, even mixed with water, she will put her beak in, then won't touch it. I tried to get some crushed Cheerios mixed with applesauce in her mouth, I'm not sure how to get her mouth to open!!! I don't want to hurt her! Any advise, suggestions would be SO helpful!
Also if someone could tell me how to post pictures I will
She was attacked 6 days ago, Pretty sure it was a fox. I have cared for the wounds. They are looking pretty good. She moves around, is drinking water. She will not eat, have offered many things, even mixed with water, she will put her beak in, then won't touch it. I tried to get some crushed Cheerios mixed with applesauce in her mouth, I'm not sure how to get her mouth to open!!! I don't want to hurt her! Any advise, suggestions would be SO helpful!
Also if someone could tell me how to post pictures I will
@amynorthga if she hasn't ate in 6 days i am thinking if you don't tube feed her your going to lose her.
Here is the link

Shock should have worn off how bad are her wounds are you putting any kind of antibiotic or electrolyte into her drinking water?

You can't just open their mouth and put food inside it could go down into her air sacs look at the pics here on the link that shows you were to put syringe or tube for feeding.

I hope she makes it through this.
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To open the bill, hold the duck on your lap with its booty facing your stomach and head facing outward. Run a needless syringe slightly under the top bill toward the back where the bill meets the face then gently push down to open. Angle syringe to the side and back and dispense small amounts with a break between dispensing. You can hold the bill closed and slightly tilt the head up, massage neck as necessary.
Thank you so much for the advise! She is drinking plenty, I am keeping her inside in a pet crate, Take her out to screen porch to let her bathe and run around for a bit twice a day. She just won't eat. Yes, vitamins and pedialite in drinking water. I think she may have lost hearing, and sight in one eye. We do have a secure henhouse and fence, forgot to close the gate one night. Never again will we forget! I think our brave and very protective roo may have fought off the fox, or she would have died for sure! Pretty sure it was a fox, I've seen it once early in the morning lurking, I scared him off.
I will try to feed her with your suggestions!
Thank you so much for the information! I will try to feed her again this morning.
Please keep us updated on how she is doing.
I'm sorry so late on the update! I tried that morning to feed her, still couldn't get her mouth open. I crushed up some feed put it in a small bowl, in her crate. She finally ate a little, then a little more everyday.

When I brought her in after the attack, there were maggots in the holes in her head ( wounds from the fox), used the peroxide, and tweezers to get them all out.
I took her out on the screen porch every day, cleaned her wounds (first time with peroxide, then with iodine solution. She finally would get in a small pan of water out there. I kept her in for about 2 weeks total.
Finally let her back out with the chickens, she was happy to be back with her friends!
She is now pretty much her old self again, doesn't quack as loud, and falls asleep standing up more often. I can't believe she survived and seems to be fairly normal.
Thanks for your help! I am new to chickens and ducks and refer to BYC for tons of great information!
I'm sorry so late on the update! I tried that morning to feed her, still couldn't get her mouth open. I crushed up some feed put it in a small bowl, in her crate. She finally ate a little, then a little more everyday.

When I brought her in after the attack, there were maggots in the holes in her head ( wounds from the fox), used the peroxide, and tweezers to get them all out.
I took her out on the screen porch every day, cleaned her wounds (first time with peroxide, then with iodine solution. She finally would get in a small pan of water out there. I kept her in for about 2 weeks total.
Finally let her back out with the chickens, she was happy to be back with her friends!
She is now pretty much her old self again, doesn't quack as loud, and falls asleep standing up more often. I can't believe she survived and seems to be fairly normal.
Thanks for your help! I am new to chickens and ducks and refer to BYC for tons of great information!
Thank you for updating.. They really are amazing how they can recover and alot of it has to do with you the owner so Congrats for all the TLC you provided.
I would not have known what to do without BYC forums. Thanks to everyone for such great information! :)

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